Integrated Master Plan definition
Examples of Integrated Master Plan in a sentence
Written technical proposals shall normally address: * Technical Approach and descriptive narrative of the contractor's understanding of the requested effort * PWS in response to a SOO * Integrated Master Plan (if applicable) * Integrated Master Schedule (if applicable) * Key Personnel Assigned * Quantities/Hours of Personnel by Labor Categories and narrative justification (if applicable) * Other Direct Costs (ODCs) (materials and supplies, travel, training, etc.
The contractor shall carry out the following tasks and subtasks and in accordance with agreed upon Integrated Master Schedule and Integrated Master Plan (defined in 2.1.8 and 2.1.9) which shall further detail the conduct of the specific tasks and subtasks.
Technical risks should be quantified and implications reflected in the program’s Integrated Master Schedule and Integrated Master Plan.
The Contractor shall use the approved Integrated Master Plan (IMP) and Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) to determine program or schedule risks, develop alternative solutions, and provide a recommended path forward to resolve programmatic issues and/or concerns.
The Contractor shall provide all supplies and services to deliver a Full Operational Capability (FOC) for Rapid Attack Identification, Detection, and Report System (RAIDRS) Spiral 1 in accordance with Attachment 1, Statement of Objectives, dated 11 Jan 2005, 10 pages, Attachment 2, Contractor Statement of Work, dated 28 January 2005, Section 6; Attachment 3, Technical Requirements Document (TRD), dated 24 November 2004, and Attachment 4, Integrated Master Plan, dated 27 January 2005.
To establish the integrated performance management system, the EVMS shall be linked to and supported by the Contractor’s management processes and systems to include the Integrated Master Plan (IMP), Integrated Master Schedule (IMS), Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS), change management, material management, procurement, cost estimating, and accounting.
The contractor shall carry out the following tasks and subtasks and in accordance with an agreed upon Integrated Master Schedule and Integrated Master Plan (defined in 2.1.8 and 2.1.9) which shall further detail the conduct of the specific tasks and subtasks.
The contractor shall carry out the following tasks and subtasks and in accordance with the agreed upon Integrated Master Schedule and Integrated Master Plan (defined in 2.1.8 and 2.1.9) which shall further detail the conduct of the specific tasks and subtasks.
One of the major Flemish projects devoted to this issue is the Integrated Master Plan for Flanders Future Coastal Safety, led by the Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services.
A good source for more details on both the IMP and IMS is the Integrated Master Plan and Integrated Master Schedule Preparation and Use Guide (Reference (f)).