Subarea plan definition

Subarea plan means the Torrey Highlands Subarea Plan, draft dated June 10, 1996, and any amendments or implementing resolutions with respect hereto that do not increase the number of Units or other development affecting the need for Facilities.
Subarea plan means a detailed, local land use plan which is a subcomponent of the Kitsap
Subarea plan means a section of the comprehensive plan which contains specific policies, guidelines, and criteria adopted by the council to guide land development, transportation facilities, community facilities, infrastructure, and capital improvement decisions within specific subareas of the city. The subareas of the city shall consist of natural homogenous communities, distinctive geographic areas, or other districts having unified interest.

Examples of Subarea plan in a sentence

  • Information on waste streams and typical waste products that will be generated during a response is contained in this Subarea plan in the Response Section, Part Two and in the Unified Plan, Annex E, Appendix II.

  • Environmental SummarySection 1.1.4 Prior Planning & Environmental ReviewPage 1-5: Text is added to clarify that capital improvements planned for the subarea, such as the pedestrian bridge crossing the Green River, are ongoing projects that are independent of the Southcenter Subarea plan, and are undergoing separate environmental review.

  • We also agree that review of development proposals affecting lands identified as critical habitat for the Riverside fairy shrimp under CEQA by Orange County already takes into account the importance of this habitat to the species and the protections required for the species and its habitat under the Subarea plan.

  • Taylor stated the proposed use is consistent with BMR Subarea plan and seniors are underserved in the community.

  • For example, the proposal, the Brinnon Subarea plan, and the hybrid model all presume significant resort development on the Black Point MPR property.

More Definitions of Subarea plan

Subarea plan means an HCP/NCCP plan prepared by the County and reviewed and approved by the Wildlife Agencies and the Board of Supervisors, to implement the Multiple Species Conservation Program within the County’s jurisdictional boundaries.
Subarea plan means a detailed plan consistent with but more specific than this code or the
Subarea plan means a detailed local land use plan ((which)) that implements, is
Subarea plan means the Torrey Highlands Subarea Plan, proposed to be approved by the City and the Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH 93071041) and any amendments or implementing resolutions with respect thereto that do not increase the number of dwelling units or other development affecting the need for School Facilities planned for the Project.
Subarea plan means a detailed local land use plan that implements, is consistent
Subarea plan means detailed local land use plan which implements and is consistent with and may be incorporated in whole or part into an element of the comprehensive plan containing specific policies, guidelines and criteria adopted by the City Council to guide development and capital improvement decisions within specific subareas of the City. The subareas of the City will consist of distinct areas having unified interests or similar characteristics within the City. Subarea plans may include potential annexation area plans, neighborhood plans, and plans addressing multiple areas having common interests. The relationship between the 2001 Comprehensive Plan and any subarea plans are established by CMC 14.15.020. (Ord. 41-02 § 2 (20.08.060))
Subarea plan means the I-25 Sub-Area Plan Land Use Plan, as amended.