Examples of Intensity of service in a sentence
All are unique and provide our students with the breadth and depth of knowledge required to be successful in school.Our curriculum focuses on the skills for learning, life and work which our pupils are going to need to be successful in life after school.In the main, our S1/S2 pupils will be accessing work at Level 3 of Curriculum for Excellence with some of our pupils embarking on Level 4.In S3, the pupils will be completing Level 3 and working on Level 4.
Commercial cases exceed the capacity of commercial courts causing a resolution time of over one year on average.
The complaint alleges very generally that the Hoover placement “is too large, not structured enough, has insufficient services and does not include required related services,” that petitioners were “in disagreement with the Intensity of service proposed,” andthat “we do not believe MCPS has identified Brian’s complete disability.” J.A. 12-13.
Elements Description of Level of Intensity Need Intensity of service means the provision of services for students based on the level of their needs as determined through multiple measures and sources of evidence.
Intensity of service issues are represented in Admission, Exclusion, and Continued Stay Criteria and reflect aspects of care that, by virtue of their complexity and/or attendant risks, require a specified level of care for their safe, appropriate, and effective application.
Intensity of service appeared to make no difference if the participant had a subsidy.
Intensity of service is dependent upon individual and presenting symptoms.
Intensity of service is either actual or estimated values of service in units identified during the initial measurement criteria set for the deployment cost.The process integration level complexity iscalculated considering participant services in the specified business process (n).
Intensity of service (as measured by contact hours per week) is not defined by the TBS RF Service Model Operating Guidelines, however Homebuilders services generally provide six to eight hours of face-to-face time per week.
Overall Score = 2.7 out of 5 S4 Intensity of service: High total amount of service time, as needed.