Interest Rate Reset definition
Examples of Interest Rate Reset in a sentence
Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) Numeric – Decimal 0.02 9.999999 ARMs Only >= 0 and <= 1 99=no cap 48 Subsequent Interest Rate Reset Period The number of months between subsequent rate adjustments.
If an Interest Rate Reset is applicable, the GAW will automatically increase to the higher GAW amount.
In the event that an Interest Rate Reset or Ratchet occurs, the GAW will automatically increase and the Benefit Base will be adjusted to equal the current Covered Fund Value.
Nykredit may decide that the Interest Rate Spread only applies until the next following Interest Rate Reset.
In connection with the opening of an ISIN, Nykredit fixes the Coupon Interest for the period up to the first Interest Rate Reset and the size of the Interest Rate Spread, if any, applicable throughout the maturity of the Bonds in the Final Bond Terms.