Intergovernmental contract definition
Examples of Intergovernmental contract in a sentence
Motion by Vice-Chairman Zorn to enter into an Information Technology Intergovernmental contract with the City of Monroe to merge the City and County’s Information Technology functions and authorize Chairman Sisk to execute said contract.
REVENUETo authorize the appropriate officers to enter into an Intergovernmental contract agreement for the 2019/2020 school year between the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit and the districts listed below to provide special education services in the amounts listed.
Moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Tatrow to approve the Northcare Network Intergovernmental contract, as presented.
Intergovernmental contract was signed on June 14, 1955, and the correspond- ing decision of the Bulgarian Council of Ministers was issued on June 23, 1955, so that the country began the necessary investigations to build a Nu- clear Research Center at the Institute of Physics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Figure 2, 3 and 4).
Moved by Commissioner Moyle and seconded by Commissioner Harrington to approve Northcare Network Intergovernmental contract, with the change to the term from 3 years to one year.