Intermediate care definition

Intermediate care means the use, in a full 24-hour residential therapy setting, or in a partial, less than 24-hour, residential therapy setting, of any or all of the following therapeutic techniques, as identified in a treatment plan for individuals physiologically or psychologically dependent upon or abusing alcohol or drugs:
Intermediate care means residential care above the level of room and board for patients who require personal assistance and health-related services, but who do not require skilled nursing care.
Intermediate care means an organized therapeutic environment in which a client may receive diagnostic services, counseling, vocational rehabilitation and/or work therapy while benefiting from the support which a full or partial residential setting can provide. Intermediate care should provide a transition between the inpatient detoxification facility and reintegration into community life. Intermediate care must include provision for a bed, three meals a day and medical support if needed;

Examples of Intermediate care in a sentence

  • Intermediate care services include the following: • Partial Hospital Program (PHP) – PHPs are structured and medically supervised day, evening, or nighttime treatment programs providing individualized treatment plans.

  • Intermediate care facility for persons with intellectual disabilities.

  • Intermediate care services include the following:  Partial Hospital Program (PHP) – PHPs are structured and medically supervised day, evening, or nighttime treatment programs providing individualized treatment plans.

  • Intermediate care facilities, group homes, and congregate care facilities are not allowed.

  • Intermediate care facilities for persons with intellectual disabilities or autism and providers of freestanding day habilitation programs shall submit payment to the department equal to 50% of any Medicaid savings due the State pursuant to the principles of reimbursement, as established under Title 22, sections 3186 and 3187, that are reported in any unaudited cost report for fiscal years ending June 30, 1995 and thereafter.

More Definitions of Intermediate care

Intermediate care means the use, in a full (24-hour) residential therapy setting, or in a partial (less than 24-hour) residential therapy setting, of any or all of the following therapeutic techniques, as identified in a Treatment plan for individuals physiologically or psychologically dependent upon or abusing alcohol or drugs:
Intermediate care means technical nursing care which re- quires selected nursing procedures for which the degree of care and evaluation is less than that provided for skilled care, but greater than that provided for custodial/personal care. This level of care provides a planned continuous program of nursing care that is preven- tive or rehabilitative in nature.
Intermediate care means a level of care that provides 24-hour inpatient care to residents who need licensed supervision and supportive care, but do not require continuous nursing care.
Intermediate care means basic nursing care and other restorative services under periodic medical direction.
Intermediate care means basic nursing care and other
Intermediate care means an organized therapeutic
Intermediate care means the use of covered therapeutic techniques in: