Diagnostic Services definition
Examples of Diagnostic Services in a sentence
Diagnostic Services requiring the use of radioactive materials are not radiation therapy.
If Diagnostic Services or Therapy Services furnished through a Licensed General Hospital are provided by a Physician under contract with the same hospital to perform such services and the Physician bills separately, then the Physician’s services are a Covered Service.
Benefits will be provided for the Outpatient Facility charge and associated professional fees for Diagnostic Services rendered within seventy-two (72) hours of a scheduled procedure performed at an Inpatient or Outpatient Facility.
Benefits will be provided for Consultation and directly related Diagnostic Services to confirm the need for elective Surgery.
If a Member is admitted as an Inpatient to a Hospital for Diagnostic Services, and could have received these services as an Outpatient without danger to his or her health, benefits will not be provided for Hospital room charges or other charges that would not be paid if the Member had received Diagnostic Services as an Outpatient.