Examples of Interruptible Energy in a sentence
As the Balancing Authority for an export Interruptible Energy schedule, BC Hydro has the right to curtail that schedule if the PSE delivering the export fails to meet its Contingency Reserve Obligation with BC Hydro.
Interruptible Energy (Non-Firm energy) is energy that the PSE has specified that it may be interrupted.
In the case of an import Interruptible Energy schedule, the sink PSE Customer importing the energy must carry or arrange for another approved Generating Control Area to carry 100% plus 5% or 7% of the interruptible schedule in its reserves.
Interruptible Energy (Non-‐Firm energy) is energy that the PSE has specified that it may be interrupted.
Amendment No. 4 revises Section 1 (Recitals) and Section 2 (Definitions) to change the definition “Tourist Season” from May through September to April through October to reflect the times of the year that Princess expects to have cruise ships docked in Juneau during the remainder of the term of the Interruptible Energy Contract.
The Interruptible Energy Contract provides for AELP to sell to Princess, and for Princess to purchase, hydroelectric energy that is in excess of the requirements of AELP’s firm service customers.2 Thus, the hydroelectric energy that is sold to Princess is energy that would otherwise be wasted as “spilled water” from hydroelectric project reservoirs.
For that reason, AELP and Princess entered into Amendment No. 4 to include those months in the 2 Interruptible Energy Contract §3(a).3 The only reason for which AELP cannot interrupt sales to Princess is if it is for the purpose of serving “subsequent interruptible customers”—customers that begin taking interruptible energy on or after the effective date of the Interruptible Energy Contract.
By this filing, AELP requests approval of Amendatory Agreement No. 4, dated December 15, 2020 (“Amendment No. 4”)1 to the Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Interruptible Energy, dated March 14, 2001, as amended (“Interruptible Energy Contract”) between AELP and Princess Cruise Lines, Ltd.
The Interruptible Energy Contract allows Princess to reduce its reliance on shipboard electric generators, which rely on fossil fuels, thereby reducing undesirable air emissions and visible smoke while the vessels are docked in Juneau.
The first program, titled the Interruptible Service Pilot and detailed in RMP’s proposed Schedule 35, would offer a large customer Interruptible Demand Credits and Interruptible Energy Credits in exchange for nominating the customer’s own non- interruptible load level and then reducing its load to that level during RMP-called interruption events.