Interstitial monitoring definition

Interstitial monitoring means a leak detection method that entails the surveillance of the space between a tank system’s walls and the secondary containment system, for a change in steady−state conditions.
Interstitial monitoring means a leak detection method which entails the surveillance of the space between a UST sys- tem’s walls and the secondary containment system for a change in steady state conditions. In a double−walled tank, this change may be indicated by a loss of vacuum, a drop in pressure, a drop in the fluid level in a visible reservoir, or the detection of the regu- lated substance or water in the interstitial space or both. In a secon- dary containment system consisting of a natural or synthetic liner or a vault, the surveillance consists of frequent or continuous sam- pling from a monitoring well or interstitial monitor between the UST and the liner to detect the presence of regulated substance or water.
Interstitial monitoring means a leak detection method which entails the surveillance of the space between the underground storage tank system's walls and the secondary containment system for a change in the steady state conditions. In a double-walled tank, this change may be indicated by a loss of vacuum, a drop in pressure, a drop or rise in the fluid level in the visible reservoir, or the detection of regulated substances and/or water in the interstitial space. In a secondary containment system consisting of a liner (natural or synthetic) or a vault, the surveillance consists of frequent-to-continuous sampling of a monitoring well between the

Examples of Interstitial monitoring in a sentence

  • Interstitial monitoring of double-walled or jacketed piping shall be conducted either continuously by means of an automatic leak sensing device that signals to the operator the presence of any liquid in the interstitial space or sump, or manually every 30 days by means of a procedure capable of detecting the presence of any liquid in the interstitial space or sump.

  • Interstitial monitoring must be used for double walled aboveground storage tank systems.

  • Interstitial monitoring [REVOKED][Source: Revoked at 18 Ok Reg 2378, eff 7-1-01] 165:25-7-26.

  • Interstitial monitoring between the UST system and a secondary barrier immediately around or beneath it may be used, but only if the system is designed, constructed, and installed to detect a leak from any portion of the tank that routinely contains product and also meets one of the following requirements.

  • The term “Hazardous Material” includes, without limitation, any substance, material or waste which is (i) defined as a “hazardous waste” or similar term under the laws of the jurisdiction where the Project is located; (ii) designated as a “hazardous substance” pursuant to Section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. § 1317); (iii) defined as a “hazardous waste” pursuant to Section 1004 of the Federal Resource, Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. § 6901 et seq.

  • Interstitial monitoring must be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and any conditions or limitations specified in the certification of the equipment.

  • Interstitial monitoring must be provided on all pipelines that have secondary containment.

  • Interstitial monitoring detects leaks in the space between the primary wall of the tank or pipe and a secondary barrier.

  • Interstitial monitoring of double-walled or jacketed piping shall be conducted either continuously by means of an automatic leak sensing device that signals to the operator the presence of any regulated substance in the interstitial space or sump, or manually every 30 days by means of a procedure capable of detecting the presence of any regulated substance in the interstitial space or sump.

  • Curative Measure #56 – Interstitial monitoring cannot be claimed as the method for leak detection at the facility if adequate records are not maintained.

More Definitions of Interstitial monitoring

Interstitial monitoring means a leak detection method that entails the surveillance of the space between a tank system’s wals and the secondary containment system, for a change in steady-state conditions.

Related to Interstitial monitoring

  • Beam monitoring system means a system designed and installed in the radiation head to detect and measure the radiation present in the useful beam.

  • Individual monitoring means the assessment of:

  • Individual monitoring devices means devices designed to be worn by a single individual for the assessment of dose equivalent. For purposes of these regulations, "personnel dosimeter" and "dosimeter" are equivalent terms. Examples of individual monitoring devices are film badges, thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs), pocket ionization chambers, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeters and personal air sampling devices.

  • Infrastructure means infrastructure serving the County and improved or unimproved real estate and personal property, including machinery and equipment, used in the operation of the Project, within the meaning of Section 4-29-68 of the Code.

  • Fraud Monitoring System means an off-line administration system that monitors suspected occurrences of ABT- related fraud.

  • Monitoring means the measurement of radiation, radioactive material concentrations, surface area activities or quantities of radioactive material and the use of the results of these measurements to evaluate potential exposures and doses. For purposes of these regulations, "radiation monitoring" and "radiation protection monitoring" are equivalent terms.

  • Stormwater management system means any equipment, plants,

  • Radiation therapy simulation system means a radiographic or fluoroscopic x-ray system intended for localizing the volume to be exposed during radiation therapy and confirming the position and size of the therapeutic irradiation field.

  • Systems means servers, hardware systems, databases, circuits, networks and other computer and telecommunications assets and equipment.

  • Database Management System (“DBMS”) is a computer process used to store, sort, manipulate and update the data required to provide Selective Routing and ALI.

  • Virginia Stormwater Management Program or “VSMP” means a program approved by the State Board after September 13, 2011, that has been established by a locality to manage the quality and quantity of runoff resulting from land-disturbing activities and shall include such items as local ordinances, rules, permit requirements, annual standards and specifications, policies and guidelines, technical materials, and requirements for plan review, inspection, enforcement, where authorized in this article, and evaluation consistent with the requirements of this article and associated regulations.

  • Safety Management System means a systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organisational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures;

  • Stormwater management means the programs to maintain quality and quantity of stormwater runoff to pre-development levels.