Examples of It doesn in a sentence
It doesn t matter whether your mail client is Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail, Incredimail or whatever.
It doesn t’ mean we r’e going to end with this, but it means at least we r’e going to have the opportunity to talk about one of the most important things that we discuss on this floor and that is our physical liberty.
It doesn t■nu to 21 cants ?er pound; 0-nre much prodding to reaiizr s sccood-class imstagc ui- *hat baseball means: sun in tb'INCOMEleti a New York Regional OfItsci Siorv Project; National Cnn- venUon; Thousand Oub: and otherof interest.
It doesn 't surprise me that after Ron screwed up ("failed") because they made him use a lousy language, he felt disgusted with himself and the job, and figured that they wanted him out.
It doesn t include expenses like transport, insurance e.t.c hence the buyer has to meet all the expenses up to his premises.b) F.O.R (Free on rail), the price quoted includes the cost of producing the goods plus the transportation expenses up to the nearest rail station.