Item definition
Examples of Item in a sentence
Title to and risk of loss of each Donated Item will pass to Organization when any Organization Party takes physical possession of such Donated Item at the delivery location stated in Box 6 of Part I.
The Donated Item will include the benefit of all manufacturer’s warranties if such warranties are transferable and Grantor will use commercially reasonable efforts to assist the Organization in making its warranty claims to the manufacturer.
Grantor shall have no further responsibilities with regard to the Donated Item after the date of donation.
The Organization acknowledges and agrees that the Organization shall be responsible for any maintenance or repair costs associated with the Donated Item, as well as the cost of the fuel required to operate the Donated Item.
Information required to enable the Procuring Entity determine if this condition is met shall be provided in for this purpose is be provided in “SECTION III- EVALUATION AND QUALIFICATION CRITERIA, Item 9”.