Examples of Joint Procurement Agreement in a sentence
We hereby notify you that our national procedures for the approval of the above-mentioned Joint Procurement Agreement were completed on [date].
Where such a collaborative procurement exercise is undertaken then the Procurement Category Business Partner must be consulted and use of a Joint Procurement Agreement shall be considered as appropriate.
The Emergency Support Instrument is a different instrument than the Joint Procurement Agreement and rescEU; it aims to complement them.
Member State authorities can apply under the ESI Mobility Package for the refund of the transport costs of goods purchased as part of the effort to combat COVID-19, including items purchased under the Joint Procurement Agreement.
The joint procurement procedure shall be preceded by a Joint Procurement Agreement between the Parties determining the practical arrangements governing that procedure, ▌and the decision-making process with regard to the choice of the procedure, the assessment of the tenders and the award of the contract.
The minimum number of the Contracting Parties to launch a specific procurement procedure has been set by the Joint Procurement Agreement at 5, including the Commission (Article 13(1)), which means that any specific procurement procedure could be launched once 4 Member States agree to do so.
Article 5(3) of Decision 1082/2013/EU provides that "the joint procurement procedure is to be preceded by a Joint Procurement Agreement between the Parties determining the practical arrangements governing that procedure, and the decision-making process with regard to the choice of the procedure, the assessment of the tenders and the award of the contract".
Liechtenstein and Norway shall be bound, as of the entry into force of this Agreement, by all acts already adopted in connection with the Joint Procurement Agreement as of the date of entry into force of the Joint Procurement Agreement.
Western Balkans partners are closely involved in EU initiatives, notably the Health Security Committee, the Early Warning System, the Green Corridors and the Joint Procurement Agreement for medical countermeasures.
Now that the UK has withdrawn from the Joint Procurement Agreement and the European Medicines Agency, it will no longer have the same level of access to medical countermeasures, including those developed through the urgent market authorisation procedure.