Examples of Joint Transport Committee in a sentence
In 2021 Transport North East on behalf of the North East Joint Transport Committee, will finalise a replacement Transport Plan for the region which will set out our transport priorities for our region up to 2035.
The Order establishing the NTCA also required the seven local authorities to establish the Joint Transport Committee (JTC).
NECA has a number of portfolios to deliver this, including:• Transport• Finance and Skills & Employment• Economic Development and Digital The North East Joint Transport Committee brings together a total of seven members from each of the Authorities of the North East region; four Members from NECA and three Members from the North of Tyne Mayoral Combined Authority.
To the extent approved by XXX following consultation with the other party, and subject to the conditions (if any) of XXX'x approval, Nexus shall be entitled to novate or otherwise transfer in full all of its rights and obligations under this contract, without the consent of the Train Operator, to any other Service Provider to whom the Metro Shared Network is transferred at the direction of the Joint Transport Committee where Nexus ceases to be Service Provider of the Metro Shared Network.
The Leadership Board will consider the decisions and any recommendations made by the Joint Transport Committee and JTC Overview and Scrutiny Committee and, where it is considered appropriate, make representations to the Joint Transport Committee to amend the consultation process and/or timetable accordingly.
The final proposals (including consideration of the final proposals and decisions of the Joint Transport Committee) will then be considered by the Leadership Board, which may or may not include the recommendations and/or observations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
In addition the following regulation applies: Nexus has a requirement to prepare each year a three-year Forward Plan. Revenue and Capital EstimatesNexus shall submit to the Leadership Board via the Joint Transport Committee detailed estimates of its expenditure and income, both capital and revenue based upon the three-year plan, taking into consideration the resource allocations determined by the Leadership Board.
This will include the costs of NECA acting as accountable body for the Joint Transport Committee and the Regional Transport team for so long as it holds this responsibility; and, The costs attributable to the delivery of North East Local Enterprise Partnership functions or the functions of Invest North East England will be met by the Constituent Authorities of the LA7 area in equal proportions.
Financial Duties and Responsibilities of NECA to Nexus 9.3 Forward Planning and Budget Strategy 9.3.1 NECA through the Joint Transport Committee has a duty to consider Nexus’ three- year plan and formally approve it after making any modifications considered necessary.
The Joint Transport Committee must approve the final proposals in relation to the North East Transport Budget unanimously.