Karst area definition
Examples of Karst area in a sentence
The scope of project activities is related to capacity building, encouraging policies and increasing food security in the Karst area of Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park.
The ICCTF project to develop action strategy mitigation of climate change a land-based in the Karst area in Gunungkidul shows that the average carbon stock of community forests is still below the lowest standard of the feasibility of carbon stock in forests.
Harvest unit design incorporates site-specific information and field verification in order to consider: (1) stream channel protection; (2) potential slope instability and erosion hazard; (3) size and shape of unit;(4) landform characteristics; (5) road and skid trail network; (6) logging system design; (7) relative risk of wind throw; (8) wetland protection; and (9) Karst area protection.
We also report the simulated gravity variations due to water accumulation in three more caves in the Classical Karst area: Kačna Cave, the Trebiciano Abyss and the Lindner Cave.The Trebiciano Abyss is a cave of over 330 m deepdepth, about 10 km NW from Škocjan Caves.
Karst area can be calculated after the plot of the study area is completed.
Jusarji na Krasu (Prispevek k monografiji o Krasu) – Karst commoners (Monography contribution for the Karst area).
Designing a project without performing the necessary site investigation work8 would be professionally irresponsible, particularly in a Karst area.
Therefore, it is necessary to make strict rules for tourist operators in terms of the number of visitors per day, visitor’s awareness, and tour guide to contribute to the preservation of Goa Pindul.Conservation of the Karst area of Goa Pindul is strived by the District Government of Gunungkidul by applying strict policy in which there will be no more buildings or physical construction on the top of Goa Pindul which is potential to burden the cave3.
Figure 4: Expected tonnage from irrigated and rainfed production30,00025,69325,000Rainfed (Tons) Irrigation(Tons)20,00012,61015,00011,52110,0007,9959,43510,2135,0003,2630 111,89010300ZambeziKavangoNorth CentralKarst Central/ East SouthTonnageAccording to figure 4 below, the biggest tonnage of white maize grain is expected to be harvested from rainfed production in the Karst area (25,693 tons) followed by Central area (10,213 tons), Zambezi (7,995 tons) and the lowest from Kavango (11 tons).
Unstable streambanks and excessive woody debris are compromising the aquatic and terrestrial habitat of this Karst area, and accelerated streambank erosion is contributing approximately 1,600,000 lbs/yr of sediment and 200 lbs/yr of total phosphorus to the Little Sugar Creek basin.