Examples of Land Disturbance Activity in a sentence
Prior to start of Project construction, the Applicant must, as applicable, obtain coverage under, and comply with, the requirements of State Water Resources Control Board Water Quality Order No. 2009- 0009-DWQ, the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activity, (General Construction Storm Water Permit) and any reissuance.
Prior to start of Project construction, the Applicant must, as applicable, obtain coverage under, and comply with, the requirements of State Water Resources Control Board Water Quality Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ, the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activity (General Construction Storm Water Permit) and any reissuance.
Unless otherwise specified, any tree required to be saved pursuant to this condition, which dies, as determined by the County’s Urban Forester, prior to or within three (3) years of the closure of the Land Disturbance Activity (LDA) Permit, shall be removed and replaced by the Developer at his expense with the number of major deciduous and evergreen trees consistent with the Tree Replacement Guidelines.
The Developer agrees to request a final inspection of all trees required to be preserved, consistent with the approved Tree Protection Plan, three (3) years after the closure of the Land Disturbance Activity (LDA) Permit.
This section to be completed by VCCS only) VCCS Stormwater Compliance Manager (print): Signature: Date: Appendix GVCCS Contractor Notification of Completion of Land Disturbance Activity Form (LD-06) VCCS Standards and Specifications for ESC and SWM VCCS Contractor Notification of Completion of Land Disturbance Activity Form Instruction: This form is to be used as a request of recognition of completion of land disturbance between the Contractor/Operator and VCCS.