Clearing and Grubbing. Clearing and grubbing is included in unit price for replacement of existing gate and/or fencing either with or without posts. This includes removal of vines and vegetation on existing fence fabric and removal of interfering portions of trees, shrubs and other vegetation as required by Contractor to remove and replace existing fencing at original line and grade. Authorized vegetation removal is limited to 2’ measured horizontally from existing fence fabric as required to replace the fence fabric. Contractor is responsible for proper disposal of all vegetation, soil or other material removed for installation of replacement fencing. Compensation for clearing and grabbing will be considered as included in the compensation for the item of work involved and no additional compensation for clearing and grubbing will be provided by the County and District.
Clearing and Grubbing. Clearing and grubbing is not measured for payment unless the Item is shown as a separate Pay Item in the Proposal.
Clearing and Grubbing. Clearing and Grubbing on this project shall be done in accordance with Section 201, The Georgia Department of Transportation's Standard Specifications, Construction of Transportation Systems, current Edition and shall include removal of pavement and roadway materials of the existing roadway. This work shall be included in the Lump Sum Bid Price for item 210-0100, GRADING COMPLETE.
Clearing and Grubbing. .1 Only clear vegetation that interferes with construction once approved to do so by Coast Guard.
Clearing and Grubbing. B1703: EXECUTION OF THE WORK
Clearing and Grubbing. This bid item shall be paid on a lump sum basis. Payment for this item is for the proper removal and disposal of all trees and vegetative areas indicated on the plans and as necessary along the graded channel. Note that some trees will be protected as noted on Plans. Pay requests may be made based on the percentage of completion.
Clearing and Grubbing. Root removal
Clearing and Grubbing. Trees shall be removed so that the specifications for sight distances, grading, ditching, etc., may be met. All stumps, logs, brush, boulders, debris, etc. shall be removed from the entire street allowance. Unless noted otherwise, all healthy trees not obstructing visibility or installation of services shall be preserved. The Director of Infrastructure and Development may give special permission to leave trees on the street allowance, providing that they are situated more than 1.5 metres behind the curb.
Clearing and Grubbing. A. Areas where work is to be performed shall be cleared of all trees, shrubs, rubbish, and other objectionable material of any kind which, if left in place, would interfere with the proper performance or completion of the contemplated work, would impair its subsequent use, or would form obstructions therein.
B. Organic material from clearing and grubbing operations will not be incorporated in the trench backfill.
C. Organic material from clearing and grubbing operations will be disposed of at a proper waste disposal facility.
Clearing and Grubbing. Prior to starting excavation operations in any area, all necessary clearing and grubbing in that area shall have been performed in accordance with Item 100, Clearing and Grubbing.