Landings definition
Examples of Landings in a sentence
Landings will be kept in a neat condition at all times during the sale.
Landings shall be kept to the minimum size necessary to allow the safe handling of logs.
In addition, PURCHASER shall brand and paint all logs left singly or in decks along rights-of-way, and shall brand and paint one end of all logs yarded and left on Landings after termination of Operations each day.
PURCHASER shall make every effort to remove logs from roads or Landings within a reasonable period of time, and agrees to notify STATE in advance if it intends to leave logs decked along roads or on Landings for more than 96 hours.
Landings must be of the same width as the stairs; for fights in the same direction, landing length must be greater than one metre.
Landings: Landings shall be planned by the Professional Timber Harvester trained logger to facilitate safe and efficient operations while causing the least damage to the soil and surrounding forest.
Landings in some years are combined to protect confidential information (i.e. information representing fewer than three vessels or dealers).
PURCHASER shall leave acceptable substitute trees as approved by STATE for any conifer Reserved Timber which must be cut to facilitate logging (i.e., cable corridors, Landings, or skid trails) or to resolve safety problems pursuant to Section 1610, "Permits; Licenses; Safety" (i.e., danger trees, Guyline trees, hang-ups).
Landings must be confined to these designated sites unless otherwise authorized by the Unit Manager or his/her representative.
The slope of other ramps shall not be steeper than 1 vertical to 8 horizontal.When provided with fixed seating, the main floor of the assembly room of an assembly occupancy may have a slope not steeper than 1 vertical to 5 horizontal.5.56(4) Landings.