Examples of Landside Areas in a sentence
Public Landside Areas include all areas not within the Security Perimeter of ORD.
Airside portion of O’Hare International Airport.” It further stated that “Vehicle and Subject Stops are not authorized in Public or Landside Areas of [O’Hare Airport] unless otherwise authorized by the Managing Deputy Commission level or higher.” Finally, it specified the following: “Citations and Contact Cards issued by CDA Security Personnel are to be issued for violations/infractions found within the Airside portion of [O’Hare] and are not authorized in Public Landside Areas.
Airport Landside Areas: Those areas of the Airport that include, but are not limited to, on-Airport roadways, courtyards, bridges, parking lots, garages, and transportation systems.
Airport Landside Areas: Those areas of the Airport that include, but are not limited to, on- Airport roadways, courtyards, bridges, parking lots, garages, and transportation systems.
The Bidder can bid on one Landside Area 1 or Area 2, or both Landside Areas Area 1 and Area 2, however, the bidder must bid on all line items in an Area.
Contractor Security Procedures – Mowing and lawn care services provided in the Landside Areas of the Airport do not require an Airport Identification (Badge).
Marine and Landside Areas (under separate cover)11.4 Infrastructure Services 11.4.1AWARD OF TENDER RFT1920-05 - WANANGKURA STADIUM AND GRATWICK AQUATIC CENTRE GYM EXPANSIONS Author: Property Management OfficerAuthorising Officer: Acting Director Infrastructure ServicesDisclosure of Interest: The Author and Authorising Officer declare that they do not have any conflicts of interest in relation to this item.
TELEPHONE NUMBERS FOR SERVICE ORDERS: Telephone Number _ _ Cell Phone Number Fax Number Contract Manager _ PROPOSAL PAGES (Cont'd) PROPOSAL PAGES (Cont'd)PROPOSAL PAGES (Cont'd) PROPOSAL PAGES (Cont'd) 12.1. ADDITIONAL PROPOSAL PAGES BIDDER'S PREFERENCES FOR ASSIGNMENT TO LANDSIDE SNOW REMOVAL AREAS Bidder shall indicate its preference for assignment to Airside Landside Areas 1 and 2 by placing a Number 1 in the space next to Bidder's highest preference and a 2 next to the lowest preference.
For the purpose of this manual, the following definitions will apply: Landside Areas (Public Areas)Those parts of the aerodrome that allow unrestricted public or private vehicular entry,e.g. public areas within and around a terminal building, car parking areas and public roads.
Product Specification:Refer Appendix A and tables under Functionality for Product Specification for Parking and Terminal Building Landside Areas.