Examples of Lane Mile in a sentence
The Airport is neither designed nor intended as a public forum for First Amendment activities.
At least one (1.0) Lane Mile of a Bus Only Lane that includes prohibition of private vehicles or High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes that are in effect at least eight (8) hours a day, at least five (5) days a week.
Lane mile distribution (Item 3) multiplied by the ROW & construction phase costs by jurisdiction to develop a weighted average cost per lane mile Person-Miles of Capacity Added per Lane Mile (Roadways) An additional component on the impact fee equation is the capacity added per lane mile (also known as the maximum service volume added per lane mile) of roadway construction.
Table 33: Summary of Expected Lives and Costs for Preventive Maintenance Treatments Preventive MaintenanceTreatment Life (years) Cost per Lane Mile Treatment From all of the literature reviewed, two main studies specifically compared multiple preventive maintenance treatment alternatives simultaneously (Hall et al., 2003 and Jahren et al., 2003a).
A one-way facility on a one-mile one-way street segment shall count for one Bicycle Lane Mile.
Table 4.9 PennDOT salt spread guidelines listed in “Chapter 4 Winter Services” of the PennDOT Pub 23 Maintenance Manual (Rev 12-17), where SLM stands for Snow Lane Mile.
Lane Mile 1 $1 $1 $1 0 22 Calculate a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) score for each road segment using an approved pavement management system and in accordance with ASTM D6433 or ASTM E3303.
Table IV-3Estimated Cost per Lane Mile for City/County and State Roadway ProjectsCost Type1) Source: Table IV-12) Source: Table IV-23) Lane mile distribution (Item 4) multiplied by the design, construction, and CEI phase costs by jurisdiction to develop a weighted average cost per lane-mile.
For Category 4 reviews, the Traffic Division Fee is $350 per 0.1 Lane Mile.
Lane Mile 1 $1 $1 $1 0 3 Provide a customized digital condition rating system to collect user defined severity/extent based pavement distresses and pertinent roadway attributes to accommodate a standardized approach to collecting data Lump Sum $2,500 0 4 Collect dual-wheel path roughness data to International Roughness Index standards.