Examples of Large Scale Event in a sentence
Large-Scale Event" means an event attracting ten thousand (10,000) or more people with the potential to attract national media attention that provides a reasonable basis to anticipate that exigent circumstances may occur.
P., Salovaara, A., Jacucci, G., Ilmonen, T., Ardito, C., Saarikko, P., Batra, V.: Extending Large-Scale Event Participation with User-Created Mobile Media on a Public Display.
A Small, Medium, or Large-Scale Event that occurs for no more than one (1) day per week and that repeats on the same day of the week over a period of consecutive weeks with substantially the same site plan.
The Adoption and Children’s Act 2002 provides the legal framework for special guardianship under the Children Act 1989.
The Event Organizer may be required to provide written notice of the Large-Scale Event to all adjacent landowners and businesses.