Examples of Lawful in a sentence
SBC-12STATE has no obligation to provide such Lawful UNEs, Collocation, Interconnection and/or Resale, to CLEC for the purposes of CLEC providing and/or extending service outside of SBC-12STATE's incumbent local exchange areas.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that SBC-12STATE is only obligated to make available Lawful UNEs and access to Lawful UNEs under Section 251(c)(3) of the Act, Collocation under Section 251(c)(6) of the Act, Interconnection under Section 251(c)(2) of the Act and/or Resale under Section 251(c)(4) of the Act to CLEC in SBC-12STATE's incumbent local exchange areas.
The Parties negotiated the terms and conditions of this Agreement for Interconnection, services and Lawful Unbundled Network Elements as a total arrangement and it is intended to be nonseverable.
Any indemnities for Intellectual Property rights associated with Lawful UNEs shall be vendor’s indemnities and are a part of the Intellectual Property rights SBC-13STATE agrees in Section to use its best efforts to obtain.
SBC- 13STATE does not guarantee or make any warranty with respect to Interconnection, Resale Services, Lawful Unbundled Network Elements, functions, facilities, products or services when used in an explosive atmosphere.