Lesser Rule definition

Lesser Rule means that, in case of different processed quantities at either side of an interconnection point, the confirmed quantity will be equal to the lower of the two processed quantities.
Lesser Rule. Means that, in case of different processed quantities at either side of an interconnection point, the confirmed quantity will be equal to the lower of the two processed quantities.
Lesser Rule means that in case of different processed quantities at either side of the interconnection point, the confirmed quantity will be equal to the lower of the two processed quantities. Limitation range (LR) shall mean the allowed range of values of the Total Balance Position (TBP). Matching process shall mean the process of comparing and aligning processed quantities of network users at both sides of the IP, which will result in confirmed quantities for the network users. Nominations given by the Network Users are expressed in kWh/day during the matching process.

Examples of Lesser Rule in a sentence

  • The Lesser Rule principle shall not be applicable at the entry point of the transmission system from the LNGT if the LNGT operator in accordance with the Access Rules of Use of the LNG Terminal unilaterally adjusts nominations submitted by the LNGT users.

  • If the Shipper’s most recent Nomination or Renomination does not correspond to the most recent Nomination or Renomination made by its Counterparty, the Nomination shall be reduced to the lower of the values nominated or renominated according to Lesser Rule.

  • Lesser Rule means that, in case of different processed quantities at either side of an interconnection point, the confirmed quantity will be equal to the lower of the two processed quantities.

  • The Lesser Rule principle shall not be applicable at the entry point of the transmission system from the LNG terminal if the LNG terminal operator in accordance with the Access Rules of Use of the LNG terminal unilaterally adjusts nominations submitted by the LNG terminal users.

  • If the same Pair of Shippers is notified to each of the Parties but the daily Processed Quantities in the TAP System is not equal to the daily Processed Quantity in the DESFA System for the corresponding Pair of Shippers, then there is a “Mismatch” and the Confirmed Quantities will be defined according to the Lesser Rule.

More Definitions of Lesser Rule

Lesser Rule means with respect to the Quantity of Gas (re)nominated for TTF Customer by EnergyStockB.V. and the Quantity of Gas (re)nominated by the relevant Delivering or Receiving Party, that the proper Nomination shall be deemed to be equal to the lowest of such (Re)Nominations with respect to the relevant Pair of TTF Customer Codes.
Lesser Rule means that, in case of different Processed Quantities at either side of the Entry Point, the Confirmed Quantity will be equal to the lower of the two Processed Quantities.
Lesser Rule means that in case of differences of quantities of transmission capacity at cross- border connection point processed by either side, the quantity approved shall be equal to the lesser of the two processed quantities;
Lesser Rule means with respect to the Quantity of Gas (re)nominated by Shipper and the Quantity of Gas (re)nominated by the relevant Upstream Party or Downstream Party, that the Properly (Re)Nominated Quantity of Gas shall be deemed to be equal to the lowest quantity of such (Re)Nominations with respect to the relevant pair of Shipper Codes.
Lesser Rule. : the ‘lesser rule’ principle means that in case of different Processed Quantities at both sides of the IP for a Network User and its counterparty, the Confirmed Quantity will be the lower of the two Processed Quantities.
Lesser Rule means that in case of different processed quantities at either side of the interconnection point, the confirmed quantity will be equal to the lower of the two processed quantities. Matching System Operator (MSO) means the Party performing the matching process and sending the result of the matching process to the Initiating System Operator (ISO). For the purpose of this IA, TAGTAS is the MSO. Matching process shall mean the process of comparing and Aligning processed quantities of network users at both sides of the interconnection points, which will result in confirmed quantities for the network users. Nominations given by the Network Users are expressed in kWh/d during the matching process.
Lesser Rule. Means that, in case of different processed quantities at either side of an interconnection point, the confirmed quantity will be equal to the lower of the two processed quantities. Matching process: The process of comparing and aligning processed quantities of gas for network users at both sides of a specific interconnection point, which results in confirmed quantities for the network users. Matching TSO: Means the transmission system operator performing the matching process and sending the result of the matching process to the initiating transmission system operator.