Letter of Assent definition
Examples of Letter of Assent in a sentence
It shall apply to all firms who sign a Letter of Assent to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
Upon their signing the Contractor Letter of Assent, the Prime Contractor, each Subcontractor, and the individual Unions shall thereafter be deemed a party to this PLA.
The Contractor shall submit a Subcontractor’s Contractor Letter of Assent to the Department prior to the Subcontractor’s performance of Construction Work on the Project.
All Subcontractors of every tier, will be required to execute a Letter of Assent, included in the enclosed PLA, agreeing to be bound by the PLA.
If Box 4 (PLA) is checked, you as the prime contractor must obtain signed Letter of Assent from the subcontractor which demonstrates that the subcontractor agrees to the terms of the PLA.