Letter of compliance means a letter issued by the Department to a religious organization which meets the requirements of Family Law Article, §5-573, Annotated Code of Maryland.
Letter of compliance means a document issued by the Department pursuant to COMAR 13A.17 that authorizes the recipient to operate a letter of compliance facility.
Letter of compliance means authorization from the municipality to the County evidencing that the construction project has met all applicable local municipal requirements at key stages of the County’s review. See representative forms attached hereto as Exhibits A, B, and C.
Examples of Letter of compliance in a sentence
NIRAS requires that all tenderers fill and sign, as the part of their tenders, Letter of compliance to NIRAS’ Busi-ness Integrity and Ethics Policy (Appendix VI, Form-5).
Letter of compliance from the Bidder or mill tickets shall be supplied to the OWNER for the delivered pipe.
NIRAS requires that all Bidders fill and sign as the part of their bids Letter of compliance (Form-5).
Bidders shall sign as the part of their bids Letter of compliance in accordance with Instruction to Bidders (ITB) Clause 3.
Market type 2 is likely to represent a transitional market and will not be discussed in detail here.
More Definitions of Letter of compliance
Letter of compliance means authorization from the municipality to the County evidencing that the construction project has met all applicable local municipal requirements prior to the County commencing review of the building plans, issuing the building permit, and issuing the certificate of occupancy. See representative forms attached hereto as Exhibits A, B, and C.
Letter of compliance means a letter addressed to the Airport Authority signed by an approved Independent Professional in a format specified by the Airport Authority in the Development Rules;
Letter of compliance or "LOC" means a letter will be issued by the Office of Land Revitalization and Sustainable Materials Management for Contaminated-Sites that have completed a full site assessment or a Site Investigation Report (per § 1.8 of this Part) approved by the Department documenting all known and suspected Releases, and completed all Remedial Action work required by the Office to address the remedial objectives for the site, including institutional controls (if applicable).
Letter of compliance means a letter issued by the Department to a tax-exempt religious organization that meets the requirements under [Family Law Article, §5-574] Education Article §9.5-401- 420, Annotated Code of Maryland.
Letter of compliance means a letter issued by the Planning Authority which confirms compliance with the BTR Condition in the form appended hereto.
Letter of compliance means written notification from the Director of Public Service that all public improvements in a subdivision or phase of a subdivision have been inspected, found to be complete and are accepted by the City.
Letter of compliance means a Letter of Lead Abatement Compliance or its equivalent issued by a licensed governmental or private lead inspector in accordance with applicable laws and Department of Public Health regulations on lead poisoning prevention and control. A "Letter of Interim Control" is not a "Letter of Compliance".