Letters of Reprimand definition
Examples of Letters of Reprimand in a sentence
Letters of Reprimand, suspensions without pay for sixteen (16) or fewer work hours for the same cause in any twelve (12) month period, and disciplinary transfers may be subject to grievance to the extent authorized in this Article.
The County agrees to investigate and, if proper, to correct any factual inaccuracies which may exist within Letters of Reprimand.
Letters of Reprimand (LORs) are a more formal means of making an employee aware that their conduct is unacceptable.
Administrative transfers provide a process to address behavior/actions and their impacts that cannot be addressed through Article 14 – Evaluation or Article 33 – Letters of Reprimand and Suspensions.
Upon written request to the Chief of Police or his or her designee, Letters of Reprimand may be purged from the Member’s file 2 years after the date of the discipline provided no further instances of similar misconduct occur.
Administrative transfers provide a process to address behavior/actions and their impacts that cannot be addressed through Article 14 – Evaluation or Article 33 – Letters of Reprimand and Suspensions.The reason(s) for administrative transfer shall not be arbitrary or capricious.
Administrative transfers cannot be based on a bargaining unit member’s actions that are protected (e.g. Association meetings, representing SDEA members at conferences, working to rule, etc.) When a bargaining unit member’s action is not protected, the site administrator is to determine if the action can be addressed through Article 14 – Evaluation or Article 33 – Letters of Reprimand and Suspensions.
Written notification of possible disciplinary action will remain at the facility level, except for Letters of Reprimand, which will be sent to Human Resources to be filed in the employee's personnel file.
Letters of Reprimand shall be subject to a limited grievance procedure which shall not extend beyond the Appointing Authority and shall not be subject to the arbitration provisions set forth below.
However, where the subsequent disciplinary action consists of Letter(s) of Reprimand for the same type of offense, those letters (including the original letter) will be removed from the employee's file after five (5) years pass from the date the most recent letter is issued unless a different type of discipline (e.g., suspension, et al) for the same type of offense is taken and sustained during said five (5) year period.