DISCIPLINE AND SUSPENSION. 14.1 Disciplinary processes shall be undertaken in accordance with the Disciplinary Procedures for Professional Staff and the principles of procedural fairness and good faith.
DISCIPLINE AND SUSPENSION. (a) Except in cases of major misconduct, the employer agrees to notify an employee at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of any interview of a disciplinary nature and to indicate:
i) his right to be accompanied by a union representative;
ii) the purpose of the meeting, including whether it involves the employee's personal file;
iii) that if the employee's personal file is to be considered during the interview, the employee and/or his union representative, the latter with the employee's permission, shall, before the meeting, have access to this file.
(b) The employee has the right to refuse to participate or to continue to participate in any interview of a disciplinary nature unless he has received the notice provided for above.
32.02 No disciplinary measure in the form of a notice of discipline, suspension or discharge or in any other form shall be imposed on any employee without just, reasonable and sufficient cause and without his receiving beforehand or at the same time a written notice showing the grounds on which a disciplinary measure is imposed.
32.03 When employees are required to attend a meeting where a disciplinary decision concerning them is to be taken by the Employer, or a Representative of the Employer, the employees are entitled to have a union representative attend the meeting.
32.04 When employees are or are to be suspended from duty the Employer shall notify the employee in writing of the reason for such suspension. The Employer shall give such notification at the time suspension is, or is contemplated to be imposed by the Employer.
32.05 The Employer shall notify the Secretary of the union that such suspension has occurred or is to occur if the employee agrees.
32.06 Where the Employer violates any of the clauses contained in article 32, the disciplinary action shall be rendered null and void and the employer shall be prohibited from disciplining the employee for the same incident giving rise to the disciplinary action in question.
DISCIPLINE AND SUSPENSION. 1. The Union recognizes the right of the Board to discipline its bargaining unit staff. Discipline shall be progressive and appropriate to the severity of the infraction.
2. The Superintendent of Schools may suspend Classified Employees from duty. Such suspension shall be immediately reported to the Board. Classified Employees may be suspended and subsequently discharged for behavior that endangers the safety of students or staff, neglect of duty, violation of professional ethics, unprofessional conduct, insubordination, physical or mental incapacity, or other conduct which substantially interferes with continued performance of duties. In case of a suspension the Classified Employee shall, during the term of suspension, continue to receive regular compensation and other benefits as his/ her contract indicates until otherwise terminated through due process as may be required by law.
3. If the safety of students or staff is of concern or if the alleged conduct substantially interferes with the continued performance of duties, the bargaining unit staff may be removed from the classroom or building during the course of the investigation. After an investigation, should the grounds for removal prove to be unsubstantiated, the bargaining unit staff shall be reinstated.
4. No suspension or discipline shall occur without an appropriately substantive investigation.
5. Any investigation that leads to disciplinary action shall include a meeting with the bargaining unit staff in question. If an Administrator calls a meeting with the intent of discussing disciplinary action, he/she shall provide the bargaining unit staff with notice of the purpose and the topic of the meeting. The bargaining unit staff may choose to be accompanied by a Representative and will be given the opportunity to respond to any charge prior to any disciplinary action being taken.
6. After an investigation, should the Supervisor determine that the infraction did occur, he/she will select the most appropriate action from the continuum listed below, taking into account the severity of the infraction and previous disciplinary actions.
DISCIPLINE AND SUSPENSION. (a) No disciplinary measure in the form of a notice of discipline, suspension, or discharge, or in any other form, shall be imposed on any employee without just, reasonable and sufficient cause and without the employee receiving, beforehand or at the same time, a written notice showing the grounds on which a disciplinary measure is imposed.
(b) In any arbitration relating to a disciplinary measure, the burden of proof shall rest with the Employer and such proof shall be confined to the grounds mentioned in the notice referred to in Sub-Clause (a) above.
34.02 When employees are required to attend a meeting where a disciplinary decision concerning them is to be taken by the Employer or by a Representative of the Employer, the employees are entitled to have a Union Representative attend the meeting.
34.03 The Employer shall notify the Union that such suspension or discharge has occurred or is to occur.
DISCIPLINE AND SUSPENSION. 36.01 All discipline, suspension, and/or termination shall be subject to the grievance procedure and not O.R.C. 3319.081.
36.02 Employees shall be allowed fifteen (15) workdays to file letter of rebuttal to any verbal or written warnings and have said rebuttals placed in his/her personnel file.
DISCIPLINE AND SUSPENSION. Members of the bargaining unit shall be disciplined pursuant to the following provisions:
A. No formal disciplinary action shall be taken by the local Superintendent without the member having the opportunity to have a representative of his/her choice present. In disciplinary situations where the resulting discipline may be a verbal or written reprimand, a member may request that his/her supervisor and/or the Superintendent, or designee, schedule the investigatory interview one (1) work day in advance to provide the member with an opportunity to have a representative of his/her choice present during the interview. This shall not apply to disciplinary situations where the resulting discipline may be greater than a verbal or written reprimand. A formal disciplinary action shall include only items 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Section C.
B. A progressive disciplinary policy shall be administered by the local Superintendent. If the local Superintendent believes the action of an employee is such that the progressive nature of the disciplinary policy is inappropriate, a more severe sanction may be applied before a lesser sanction is applied.
C. The normal sequence shall be:
1. Conference with his/her supervisor and/or local Superintendent which may result in a verbal warning or verbal reprimand (with the date and nature of the verbal reprimand noted in the employee’s personnel file).
2. Written reprimand
3. Suspension without pay, not to exceed one (1) day
4. Suspension without pay, not to exceed five (5) days
5. Suspension without pay, not to exceed ten (10) days
D. All disciplinary appeals shall be initiated in writing to the Superintendent or designee. If a grievance is filed regarding the decision of the Superintendent, or designee, under this Article 10(D), the Grievant may start at Level IV of the grievance procedure. The decision of the Superintendent, or designee, shall not be subject to the grievance procedure if it involves a verbal warning or a verbal reprimand.
E. Members may be disciplined and/or suspended for the following reasons:
1. Incompetency
2. Inefficiency
DISCIPLINE AND SUSPENSION. 25.01 When an employee is ordered to appear before Management personnel for reprimand or disciplinary action, a representative of the Union shall be notified and be allowed to be present with said employee. Not withstanding the above, management reserves the right to ensure and maintain a safe work environment. In such case a formal meeting may follow with a Union Xxxxxxx present.
25.02 Management personnel, when imposing disciplinary action for a current incident, shall not take into account any prior infractions which occurred more than two (2) years previous to such incident, provided that said employee has an unblemished record for the two (2) years immediately preceding the date of the current incident. In the event that incidents of a similar nature have occurred in the said two (2) year period – incidents which occurred up to five (5) years previous to the current incident will be taken into account.
DISCIPLINE AND SUSPENSION. Except in cases of major misconduct, the employer agrees to notify an employee at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of any interview of a disciplinary nature and to indicate:
DISCIPLINE AND SUSPENSION. When an employee is disciplined or suspended, all be given the reason by the employer. Prior to any punitive action, the employer shall provide t e employee in question with a letter from the Chief Xxxxxxx, advising the employee right t union representation. The employee may be accompanied by Xxxxxxx to any meetings the employer, on this matter. If the discipline results in a suspension, the employee and the Union shall be advised in writing within three (3) working days by the Employer of the reasons for and the duration of such suspension. Disciplinary actions placed on an employee’s shall be removed eighteen (1 8) months .e date of the disciplinary action. Should the action be forwarded to Arbitration, the Arbitration Board may make a ruling upholding the action giving rise to the Arbitration or reverse the City’s action consistent with the powers of the Board of Arbitration. Should the matter be referred to Arbitration the time limits set out shall not restrict either party’s ability to present any documents before the Board. Any disciplinary actions which have expired as noted above shall not be relied upon by the employer and shall be removed upon discovery by the employer or employee.