Licensed premise definition
Examples of Licensed premise in a sentence
All inventory stored on the Licensed Premise must be secured in a Limited Access Area and tracked consistently with the inventory tracking rules.
However, the original Applicant will still be liable for full payment of the Licensed Premise.
Any breach of this condition will subject Applicant to damage, negligence and/or loss of merchandise; (4) Are required to pre-order a minimum of an additional 1000 watts of electricity; and Must have a FULLY-CHARGED fire extinguisher in Licensed Premise at all times.
A copy of the Security andOperations Plan must be kept at the Licensed Premise at all times.
The Development Code also defines any premises where alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverages, or both, by the individual drink is served or provided for consumption or use on the premises with or without a charge as a Licensed Premise.
The Licensee shall ensure a high degree of supervision is exercised over the conduct at the Licensed Premise at all times and will be held accountable for any violations occurring at the Licensed Premise.
The maximum floor space of a single Licensed Premise will not exceed 1000 square metres.
No other persons, friends, or relatives may be on the Licensed Premise with said employee during hours when the public is not permitted.
He should also be able to calculate the long-term impact of changes in interest rates, repayment periods and principal amounts of the financing being discussed, as well as the long-termfinancial returns and cash flows from the transaction as it is modified during the course of negotiation.The legal expert should have experience in drafting contracts and should be knowledgeable about the terms and conditions of technology transfer agreements.
No Licensee shall allow any individual, guest, or employee who is not presently on-duty on the Licensed Premise after the closing hour posted on the License or prior to the opening hour posted on the License.