Licensing decision definition
Examples of Licensing decision in a sentence
The request is made in writing to the operation’s assigned Licensing Representative.Administrative ReviewIf an operation disagrees with a Licensing decision or action, the operation may request an administrative review.
Licensing decision making relies on informed judgement within a firm policy context.
SBIC Agency Licensing Committee reviews applicants recommended by the Investment Committee and formalizes a recommendation to the SBA Administrator for final approval of both SBIC Green Light decision and Licensing decision contingent upon final legal due diligence and no material adverse changes post-Green Light decision.
Informative 3 stated that Licensing conditions should be adhered to. EventLambeth’s guidance set the maximum music noise level at 75dB outside the nearest noise sensitive property and the maximum low frequency noise level at 90dB. The legal challenge referred to in paragraph 7.4.7 of the officer’s report related to a Licensing decision and was not a material planning consideration. There was no noise receptor proposed for the Notre Dame Estate as there was a closer receptor point on Windmill Drive.
A due process hearing is a formal legal proceeding before an administrative law judge of the State Office of Administrative Hearings to determine whether a Licensing decision or action was appropriate.