Examples of Life Subscription in a sentence
Conditions precedent Completion of the China Life Subscription and the Nan Fung Subscription is conditional upon the fulfilment or waiver of their respective conditions.
Working with Darden’s executive education professionals, each year’s winners will select the program offering that best suits their firms’ current growth needs.
An expelled Member who has paid a Life Subscription shall have a refund of the subscription after deduction of the Annual Subscriptions that would have been payable in the years since the life subscription was paid.
SO 6.4.4 Trustees shall be entitled to pay their Life Subscription in 5 equal annual instalments, the first of which shall be payable on application to be a Trustee.SO 6.4.5 Upon submission of his or her application to become a Trustee, the applicant shall be considered a full Member of the BOT, the MC and the RMC of the region in which he or she resides.
Arafat and Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres would later receive the Nobel Peace Prize for this.FRONTIER44, Balaram Dey Street, Kolkata-700006 Phone: (033) 2530-0065Mail: frontierweekly@yahoo.co.in frontierweekly@hotmail.com Site: www.frontierweekly.comSUBSCRIPTION RATESIndia [Annual] Rs. 500Frontier Associate [Annual] Rs. 1000 Life Subscription [Inland] Rs. 5000+Make payment by Cheque/Draft in favour ofGERMINAL PUBLICATIONS PVT.
Life Subscription Members Shall be entitled to use of the golf course and Clubhouse facilities identical with (7) Day Members Country Members Shall be entitled to a maximum of twenty five (25) games, of which eight (8) may be competition, at any time during the Club's financial year, and to use the Clubhouse facilities, but are not eligible to play in the Club Championships.
The US Dollar Equivalent of the aggregate Subscription Price of HK$3,014,364,924 (equivalent to RMB2,373,515,688) will be payable by China Life in cash at completion of the China Life Subscription on the Completion Date.
The Membership chair will arrange continued membership with the National and Council BSA organizations for interested members, collect the associated fees, and collect any Boys’ Life Subscription fees.
All moneys collected as life subscriptions to The Bent shall be paid into The Bent Life Subscription Fund which is to be used to offset the cost of publication of The Bent for life subscribers.
Let us collect Life Membership of Rs.1020 and for Tele-Pensioner, the Life Subscription is only Rs.500.