Line of duty definition

Line of duty means any action the deceased or disabled person was obligated or authorized to
Line of duty means any action which a member whose primary function is crime control or reduction or enforcement of the criminal law is obligated or authorized by rule, regulations, condition of employment or service, or law to perform, including those social, ceremonial, or athletic functions to which the member is assigned, or for which the member is compensated, by the agency the member serves;
Line of duty means any action the deceased or disabled person was obligated or authorized to perform by rule, regulation, condition of employment or service, or law.

Examples of Line of duty in a sentence

  • Line of duty determinationDuring detoxification, a line of duty determination is not required.

  • Line of duty survivor benefits cease upon remarriage, and then benefit is paid to children under 18.

  • Section 19.1. Line of duty is intended to recognize the unusual exposure to dangerous situations experienced by employees of the Police Department.

  • Line of duty means any action or activity occurring in conjunction with your employment or your sta- tus as a law enforcement officer or firefighter and required or au- thorized by law, rule, regulations, or condition of employment or service.

  • Line of duty disability benefits are equal to 60% of final average compensation, regardless of years of credited service.

More Definitions of Line of duty

Line of duty means any action which a member whose
Line of duty means an action that a peace officer or firefighter is obligated or authorized to perform by rule, regulation, condition of employment or service, or law, including a social, ceremonial, or athletic function that the peace officer or firefighter is assigned to or compensated for by the public agency being served.
Line of duty means the performance by a volunteer firefighter as
Line of duty means on the job in the service of the member's employers. Line of duty does not mean going to or from work (including between any parking lot or transportation terminal and the employee's work place), going to or from meals or breaks, or time spent while "on call" or on stand-by status unless the employee is involved in a specific work-related duty during such period.
Line of duty means either of the following:
Line of duty means an action that a Michigan police officer or Michigan fire fighter is obligated or authorized to perform by rule, regulation, condition of employment or service, or law, including, but not limited to, a social, ceremonial, or athletic function that the Michigan police officer or Michigan fire fighter is assigned to or compensated for by the public agency he or she serves.
Line of duty means any action which an officer is obligated or authorized by law, rule, or regulation to perform for which the officer is compensated by the City.