Liquidated Damage Amount definition
Examples of Liquidated Damage Amount in a sentence
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, if this Agreement is terminated prior to the end of the then-current Term, the Liquidated Damage Amount shall be immediately due and payable by Merchant to Processor.
The Liquidated Damage Amount will be capped at $500 per event (unprocessed or delayed deposits by MID or chain) combined, whether payable to the Treasury or to any other Merchant hereunder.
The Contractor will give Treasury credit for interest earnings on the undeposited funds from the day the funds should have been deposited.2. The daily liquidated damage amount (undeposited funds) will be calculated as follows: (“Value of Undeposited Funds” X “Treasury Bill three-month “ask yield” as stated in the last Friday of each month’s Wall Street Journal”) / 365 = (Daily Liquidated Damage Amount X Number of Days Delayed) = Liquidated Damage Amount3.
At the Treasury's request, upon verification by the Contractor, the Contractor will credit the applicable bank accounts with the calculated Liquidated Damage Amount.
Goldsmith, Town Manager DATE: November 8, 2019 SUBJECT: Town Manager Administrative Order #4 Filing; Proposed Realignment of the Department of Public Works to include Grounds Maintenance, Custodial Services.