Examples of Live instruction in a sentence
Live instruction may be pre-recorded (with proper permissions) to enable students to watch instructional videos at another time.
Live interaction between teacher and student is available.Check-in format: Live instruction is not available, but students are required to check in and complete assigned work via Google Classroom.
Some experience required.Line Dance-Improver1:00—2:30pm on ThursdaysThis class is open to beginners also, however, the emphasis is on more intricate line dances.Walk Strong Video10:00a—10:45pm Mon/Wed/FriThis video gets your blood pumping while watching and walking.Tai Chi10:45-11:30pm M/W Live instruction class beginning at first of each month to introduce new students to the benefits of Tai Chi.
Live instruction is streamed through the Google platform and this same-recorded instruction can be easily stored in the cloud for postings in the Google platform for on –demand viewing.
Recommended Elementary Virtual Schoolhouse Schedule DAILY AMOUNTS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 45 mins Live instruction each day in one of the followinginstructional areas: Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
Overall planning.B. Budgeting.C. Primary and secondary costs and revenues.D. Unit costing.E. Statistical key figures.
Live instruction access will be created using Teams meeting links and the use of the teaching station to share the point of instruction.
Live instruction is superior and distance learning is ok as a last resort for students with travel restrictions.”• “Classes should be taught in the classroom, except in instances when distance dictates otherwise.”• “…I think distributed (distance) learning is effective, but it takes some getting used to.
Live instruction conferences will open 10 minutes prior to the start of the lesson.
Live instruction for ELA and Math will be provided using Schoology Conferences.