Examples of Load Serving Entity or LSE in a sentence
Kilowatt-hour or kWh – 1,000 xxxxx for one (1) hour, or 1,000 watt-hours Load Serving Entity or "LSE" - an entity that has been granted the authority or has an obligation pursuant to State or local law, regulation or franchise to sell electric energy to end-users (Customers) located within the PJM Control Area as that term is defined by the PJM Tariff.
Load Serving Entity or LSE shall mean any entity (or the duly designated agent of such an entity), including a load aggregator or power marketer, (i) serving end-users within the PJM Region, and (ii) that has been granted the authority or has an obligation pursuant to state or local law, regulation or franchise to sell electric energy to end-users located within the PJM Region.
Load Serving Entity or "LSE" - an entity that has been granted the authority or has an obligation pursuant to State or local law, regulation or franchise to sell Competitive Energy Supply to end- users located within the PJM Control Area as that term is defined by the PJM Reliability Assurance Agreement or its successor agreements.
Load Serving Entity or LSE: This term shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement.
Kilowatt-hour or kWh – 1,000 xxxxx for one (1) hour, or 1,000 watt-hours Load Serving Entity or "LSE" - an entity that has been granted the authority or has an obligation pursuant to State or local law, regulation or franchise to sell electric energy to end-users (Customers) located within the PJM Control Area as that term is defined by the PJM Tariff Megawatt or MW - one thousand kilowatts.
Load Serving Entity or "LSE" an entity that has been granted the authority or has an obligation pursuant to State or local law, regulation or franchise to sell Competitive Energy Supply to endusers located within the NYISO or PJM Control Area as that term is defined by the NYISO or PJM Reliability Assurance Agreement.
CAISO Tariff Section 40.1 The resource adequacy related provisions of Section 40 of the CAISO Tariff apply to all Load Serving Entities, except a Load Serving Entity or LSE that has a metered peak Demand of less than one (1) MW at any time during the twelve months preceding the last date on which the LSE can make the election regarding its reserve sharing status (i.e., Reserve Sharing LSE or Modified Reserve Sharing LSE).
Currently Buyer’s electric accounts are served by a Load Serving Entity or LSE.
Load Serving Entity or "LSE" – an entity that has been granted the authority or has an obligation pursuant to state or local law, regulation or franchise to sell electricity to retail customers located within the PJM Control Area as that term is defined in the PJM RAA or in successor, superseding or amended versions of the PJM RAA that may take effect from time to time over the term of this Agreement.