Examples of Local Transition Committee in a sentence
The Goondiwindi Regional Council Local Transition Committee approved, in accordance with Departmental guidelines, the engagement of an external counselling service for all staff.
The Goondiwindi Regional Council Local Transition Committee has developed an Industrial Relations Plan to guide the new Council through the complex process of ultimately establishing new industrial arrangements which provide equity and consistency across the organisation.
The disadvantage is that this approach is reliant oncommissioners and health care services being willing to fund such an effort.
The Chief Executive Officer advised that the show holiday for 2008 had been considered by the Local Transition Committee [LTC], which had included representatives from the former Miriam Vale Shire Council.
This suggests that councils would be financially better off through amalgamation than through existing arrangements, and that the four-way merger would deliver the strongest financial gains.It was recommended within the report that a Local Transition Committee be established should council amalgamations proceed.
From a logistics point of view this is achievable as was evidenced during the amalgamation process, where Local Transition Committee meetings were held at Kilkivan and at Curra.
Formal employee consultative processes will be established by each Local Transition Committee (see definition in Attachment 2) during the interim period.
Supportive Learning Environment - OPRFHS will create learning environments that support the unique strengths and needs of each individual and will provide a system of supports to meet the evolving needs of all students.
This characteristic requires documentation that a student is not learning despite appropriate instructional strategies, tiered or targeted interventions and/or support services.