Examples of Local workers in a sentence
Local workers will be employed as much as possible to avoid these.
Local workers made up more than 30% of the workforce on LAUSD and LACCD projects.
Local workers have the right to strike and bargain collectively, except for employees in essential services, including public transportation, banking, security, and health care.
Local workers will be given priority (expected about 60-70%), of which: (i) the working age is mainly from 18-35 years old (95%) and about 5% from 35-50 years old (highly skilled workers or managers).
Local workers will be hired from the nearby areas during construction phase/workers will be sourced by construction contractor.
Local workers have the right to strike and bargain collectively, except for employees in 16 essential services, including public transportation, banking, security, and health care.
Local workers are also under social pressure from their neighbours to do the job well.
Local workers will be hired from the nearby areas by the contractors.
Local workers rely on this to secure mortgages and expect that their employer will perform this role.
Such provisions contributes to enrich and complete the basket of rural offer to the tourists.• Local workers benefit from employment opportunities at the farm site.