Loss Rate definition
Examples of Loss Rate in a sentence
SBA will work with the securitizer to verify the accuracy of the data used to make the Loss Rate calculation.(c) PLP Privilege Suspension.
Loss Rate for a given Generating Unit location in a given hour shall equal the product of (i) the Full Marginal Loss Rate for each Generating Unit location and hour, and (ii) the Loss Scale Factor for such hour.
The ISO shall calculate the Generation Meter Multiplier for each Generating Unit location in a given hour by subtracting the Scaled Marginal Loss Rate from 1.0.
Credit Loss Rate = $50 (carried over net credit losses) + $3,000 (Net Credit Losses)$900,000 (Refund Eligible Net Charge Volume) Credit Loss Rate = 0.0034 2.
The Expected Primary Losses for a classification are determined by multiplying the Primary Expected Loss Rate for the classification by the employer payroll for the classification.