Low-income family definition

Low-income family means "a family whose annual income does not exceed 80 percent of the median income for the area, as determined by HUD with adjustments for smaller and larger families, except that HUD may establish income ceilings higher or lower than 80 percent of the median income for the area on the basis of HUD's findings that such variations are necessary because of unusually high or low family incomes."
Low-income family means a family with an annual household
Low-income family means a family who meets the financial eligibility criteria for free and reduced price meals offered under the child nutrition program.

More Definitions of Low-income family

Low-income family means one where the child or young person is entitled to free school meals or where one or both parents are in receipt of the maximum level of working tax credit. Children or young people in such families who do not qualify for travel assistance in category 1 (distance) above are nonetheless entitled to travel assistance if they satisfy the following criteria:
Low-income family means a family whose annual income does not exceed eighty per cent of the median income for the area, as determined by HUD with adjustments for smaller and larger families, except that HUD may establish income ceilings higher or lower than eighty per cent of the median income for the area if HUD finds that such variations are necessary because of unusually high or low family incomes.
Low-income family means a family whose annual income does not exceed 80 percent of the median income for the area, as determined annually by HUD.
Low-income family means a family whose income is below the level which the superintendent of public instruction shall establish.
Low-income family means a family whose total annual income before taxes is equal to, or less than, the income guidelines. For the purpose of eligibility, a child from a family that is receiving TANF or SSI assistance, a child in foster care, and families meeting the criteria of “homeless” using the McKinney-Vento act are eligible even if the family income exceeds the income guidelines.
Low-income family means a family who meets the financial eligibility criteria for free meals of- fered under the child nutrition program.
Low-income family means a family whose income does not exceed 80 percent of the median income for the area, as determined by the Secretary with adjustments for smaller and larger families, except that the Secretary may, for the purposes of this paragraph, establish income ceilings higher or lower than 80 percent of the median for the area on the basis of the findings of the Secretary or the agency that such variations are necessary because of prevailing Levels of construction costs or unusually high or low family incomes.