Machine-readable means an automatic identification technology media, such as bar codes, contact memory buttons, radio frequency identification, or optical memory cards.
Machine-readable means an automatic identification technology media, such as bar codes, contact memory buttons, radio frequency identification, or optical memory cards. “Original part number” means a combination of numbers or letters assigned by the enterprise at item creation to a class of items with the same form, fit, function, and interface.
Machine-readable means an automatic identification technology media, such as bar codes, contact memory buttons, radio frequency
More Definitions of Machine-readable
Machine-readable means capable of being read by an automated data processing system.Subpart B—Programs§ 1021.200 General.Casinos and card clubs are subject to the program requirements set forth and cross referenced in this subpart. Casinos and card clubs should also refer to Subpart B of Part 1010 of this chapter for program requirements contained in that subpart which apply to casinos and card clubs.§ 1021.210 Anti-money laundering program requirements for casinos.(a) Requirements for casinos. A casino shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of 31 U.S.C. 5318(h)(1) if it implements and maintains a compliance program described in paragraph (b) of this section.(b) Compliance programs. (1) Each casino shall develop and implement a written program reasonably designed to assure and monitor compliance with the requirements set forth in 31 U.S.C. chapter 53, subchapter II and the regulations contained in this chapter.(2) At a minimum, each compliance program shall provide for:
Machine-readable means that digital documents are sufficiently structured for software applications to identify reliably individual statements of fact and their internal structure.’
Machine-readable means capable of being read by an automated data proc- essing system.[58 FR 13549, Mar. 12, 1993, as amended at 59FR 61662, Dec. 1, 1994; 60 FR 33725, June 29,1995; 67 FR 60730, Sept. 26, 2002] Subpart F—SummonsSOURCE: 52 FR 23979, June 26, 1987, unlessotherwise noted. Redesignated at 64 FR 45451, Aug. 20, 1999.§ 103.71 General.For any investigation for the purpose of civil enforcement of violations of the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act, as amended (31 U.S.C. 5311 through 5324), section 21 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12U.S.C. 1829b), section 411 of the Na- tional Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1730d), or Chapter 2 of Pub. L. 91–508 (12 U.S.C. 1951 et seq.), or any regulation under any such provision, the Secretary or delegate of the Secretary may summon a financial institution or an officer or employee of a financial institution (in- cluding a former officer or employee), or any person having possession, cus- tody, or care of any of the records and reports required under the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act or this part to appear before the Secretary or his delegate, at a time and place named in the summons, and to give testimony, under oath, and be examined, and to produce such books, papers, records, or other data as may be relevant or material to such inves- tigation.§ 103.72 Persons who may issue sum- mons.For purposes of this part, the fol-ment), and the Director, Office of Fi- nancial Enforcement.(b) Internal Revenue Service. Except with respect to § 103.23 of this part, the Commissioner, the Deputy Commis- sioner, or a delegate of either official, and, for the purposes of perfecting sei- zures and forfeitures related to civil enforcement of this part, the Chief (Criminal Investigation) or a delegate.(c) Customs Service. With respect to§ 103.23 of this part, the Commissioner, the Deputy Commissioner, the Assist- ant Commissioner (Enforcement), Re- gional Commissioners, Assistant Re- gional Commissioners (Enforcement), and Special Agents in Charge.[52 FR 23979, June 26, 1987. Redesignated andamended at 64 FR 45451, 45453, Aug. 20, 1999;68 FR 26489, May 16, 2003] § 103.73 Contents of summons.
Machine-readable means a document with data that can be verified by electronic means by the IDNYC Card Program application system.
Machine-readable means an automatic identification technology media, such
Machine-readable means an automatic identification technology media, such as bar codes, contact memorybuttons, radio frequency identification, or optical memory cards.
Machine-readable means in a format that is reasonably structured to allow automated processing.