Madhhab definition

Madhhab. (plural, Madhahib) means any of the four orthodox (Sunni) schools of Muslim law.
Madhhab. (plural, Madhahib) means any of the four orthodox (Sunni) schools of Muslim law. (f) "Month" means a period of thirty days. (g) "Muslim" is a person who testifies to the oneness of God and the Prophethood of Muhammad and professes Islam. (h) "Muslim Law" (Shari'a) refers to all the ordinances and regulations governing Muslims as found principally in the Qur'an and the Hadith. (i) "Muslim Personal Law" includes all laws relating to personal status, marriage and divorce, matrimonial and family relations, succession and inheritance, and property relations between spouses as provided for in this Code. BOOK TWOPERSONS AND FAMILY RELATIONS TITLE ICIVIL PERSONALITY (SHAKHSIYAH MADANIYA) Article 8. Legal capacity. Juridical capacity, which is the fitness to be the subject of legal relations, is inherent in every natural person and is lost only through death. Capacity to act, which is the power to do acts with legal effect, is acquired and may be lost. Article 9. Restrictions on capacity. The following circumstances, among others, modify or limit capacity to act: age, insanity, imbecility, the state of being deaf-mute, the condition of death-illness (marad-ul-maut), penalty, prodigality, absence, family relations, alienage, insolvency, and trusteeship. The consequences of these circumstances are governed by this Code and other Islamic laws and, in a suppletory manner, by other laws. Article 10. Personality, how acquired. Birth determines personality; but the conceived child shall be considered born for all purposes that are favorable to it, provided it be born alive, however, briefly, at the time it is completely delivered from the mother's womb. Article 11. Extinction of personality. (1) Civil personality is extinguished by death. The effect of death upon the rights and obligations of a deceased person is determined by this Code, by contract, and by will. (2) After an absence of seven years, it being unknown whether or not the absentee still lives, he shall be presumed dead.

Examples of Madhhab in a sentence

  • And, among the basic tenets of our Madh-hab (Shee‘ah) is that the Imaams have a station which can not be attained by either an angel close (to God)5 or a commissioned Prophet.

  • Because of this approach, his Madh-hab was called Zaahiri Madh-hab and he became known as Daawood az-Zaahiri.5 The Twelver Shi’ites.

  • This Madh-hab traces its origin to one of ‘Alee ibn Abee Taalib’s great grandsons through his son al-Husayn.

  • Each of the filtered economic fatwa is determined on the basis of the views used in fatwa decisions; whether the fatwa is based on the authoritative statement of Syafi’ite Madhhab or using views in the Syafi'ite Madhhab (cited as the views of Syafi'iyyah/Aqwal Syafi'iyyah) or using the views of the Ahl Sunnah Wal Jama'ah (ASWJ) such as Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali (named with the View of Madhhab aside from the Syafi’i School).

  • More about Muslim polemics against Xxxxxx and his journal Xxxxxxxx xx-Xxxx, see the work of XxXxxxxx ±abīb, a Christian convert to Islam, al-Suyѿf al- Battārah fi Madhhab Khirustuphoros Gibārah (The Amputating Sword to Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx’s Doctrine), Cairo: al-LĀ?imah Press, к3к3/circa к89ȷ.

  • Thus, the concept of Madhhab and legal jurisdictions has blurred.In the beginning of Islam, there were numerous legal schools.

  • Critics of the Salafi movement such as Sa’īd Ramaḍān al Būṭi would draw attention to this contradiction, stating that Salafis are attempting to create a form of No Madhhab, marking one of the most dangerous moves in Islamic history.58 Ultimately, it appears that much of the discussion of a historical Salafism is an anachronism, based largely on the modern views and needs of those who currently self-identify as Salafis.

  • Therefore, a hadîth [reported by Daylamî] declares: “When a man dies his Doomsday has come.” Mind you, do not stray from the belief taught by the savants of Ahl as-sunnat wa-l-jamâ’at by being deceived by the kashfs happening in the imagination and the things seen in the ’âlam-i mithâl! May Allâhu ta’âlâ plentifully reward those great savants for their work! Do not trust dreams, illusions! For, unless this Madhhab of salvation is followed escaping torment in the next world cannot be thought of.

  • There were seven out of 147 muamalat fatwas which were decided by the Penang Fatwa Committee based on the view of Madhhab aside from the Syafi’i School, which are only 4%.

  • Madhhab scholars have different opinions in determining the requirements contained in the pillars of buying and selling either in the contract, aqid or in Ma'qud alaih.

Related to Madhhab

  • LHSIA means the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006, and the regulations made under it, as it and they may be amended from time to time;

  • Panchayat means an institution (by whatever name called) of self-government constituted under article 243B, for the rural areas;

  • MOHLTC means the Minister or the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, as the context requires;

  • The University means the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

  • NATA means the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia;

  • Odyssey means Odyssey Trust Company.

  • Quadriplegia means total Paralysis of both upper and lower limbs. “Hemiplegia” means total Paralysis of the upper and lower limbs on one side of the body. “Uniplegia” means total Paralysis of one lower limb or one upper limb. “Paraplegia” means total Paralysis of both lower limbs or both upper limbs. “Paralysis” means total loss of use. A Doctor must determine the loss of use to be complete and not reversible at the time the claim is submitted.

  • Hostel means a place of residence for the students of the University, or its colleges, institutions and study centers, established or recognized to be as such by the University;

  • Public research university means Rutgers, The State University

  • CORA means the Colorado Open Records Act, §§24-72-200.1 et. seq., C.R.S.

  • Fellowship means a fellowship in a professional medical college recognized by the Board after consultation with the Medical Advisory Committee.

  • POPIA means the Protection of Personal Information Act, No 4 of 2013;

  • Tabarru’ means donation for the purpose of solidarity and cooperation among the Takaful Participants and to be used to help all Takaful Participants in times of misfortune. In the context of the Company, Tabarru’ will be allocated into the Participants’ Risk Fund.

  • Headteacher means the most senior teacher in the Academy who is responsible for its management and administration. Such teacher may also be referred to as the Head of School or Principal.

  • AASHTO means the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

  • Qard means a contract of lending money whereby the borrower is obliged to repay the equivalent amount to lender.

  • We/Us/Our means TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited.

  • Campfire means a small outdoor fire intended for recreation or cooking not including a fire intended for disposal of waste wood or refuse.

  • SORA means, in respect of any Singapore Business Day “i”, a reference rate equal to the daily Singapore Overnight Rate Average published by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (or a successor administrator), as the administrator of the benchmark, on the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s website currently at, or any successor website officially designated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (or as published by its authorised distributors) (the “Relevant Screen Page”) on the Singapore Business Day immediately following such Singapore Business Day “i”;

  • ESBD means the Electronic State Business Daily, the electronic marketplace where State of Texas bid opportunities over $25,000 are posted. The ESBD may currently be accessed at

  • School nurse means a registered professional nurse with Maine Department of Education certification for school nursing.

  • CFAF means the currency of the Borrower;

  • University means the university of Montana-Missoula.

  • Sternlight means a white light placed as nearly as practicable at the stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 135 degrees and so fixed as to show the light 67.5 degrees from right aft on each side of the vessel.

  • Soda fountain means a place especially equipped

  • Warden means the Warden In-charge of Hall of Residence VIII and includes other Wardens of the said Hall.