Examples of Mainland area in a sentence
The Pacific Loggerhead Conservation Area is effective June, July, and August during a forecasted or occurring El Niño event.• Mainland area closures include a complete closure of the fishery off of California February 1-April 30, within 75 nm May 1-August 14, and within 25 nm December 15-January 31 the following year; and east of a line approximating 1,000 fm off of Oregon.• There are other discrete area closures along the California coast and around the Channel Islands.
The Club16 segment is engaged in the fitness business in the Lower Mainland area of Vancouver.
The Company will pay a premium of ten percent (10%) of the employee's hourly rate for all time spent on Company business while outside the Lower Mainland area.
This facility will be nation’s first commercial gearbox testing facility capable of handling wind turbine equipment and will provide service to existing wind farms within a 300-mile radius of Enid.
Compensation shall be $24 per hour not to exceed thirty minutes (30) minutes.
The Kipevu Sewage Treatment Plant is the largest with a capacity of 17,000m3/day and serves the households, institutions, hotels and industries such as Kenya Pipeline Company, Kenya Petroleum Refinery Limited, Simba Apparel Export Processing Zone Limited among others in the West Mainland area.
Travel allowance will be administered through Administration, with the Board’s approval, for any convention outside the Lower Mainland area.
The total surface area of Dar es Salaam Region is 1,397 square kilometers which is equivalent to 0.15% of the entire Tanzania Mainland area (Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner’s Office, 2010).
In the Lower Mainland area alone, over 50% of the population, together with $13 billion in development, are dependent on the integrity of 600 km of diking, 400 floodboxes and 100 pumpstations.3 The roles and responsibilities described in the following section are excerpts from the reportComprehensive Management for Flood Protection Works (Fraser Basin Council 2001).
Mainland area closures off the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington for the drift gillnet fishery are listed under §660.713(d).Time-area closures in place to protect sea turtles from potential interactions with drift gillnet gear include:• a Pacific leatherback conservation area from August 15 through November 15; and• a Pacific loggerhead conservation area from June 1 through August 31, in years when an El Niño has been forecasted.