Market Party definition
Examples of Market Party in a sentence
The ISO may impose financial penalties on a Market Party in amounts determined as specified below.
Consistent with Sections and of the Plan, the Market Party shall retain the documents and information supporting its Bids and the costs it proposes to include in reference levels.
Unsupported speculation by a Market Party does not present a valid basis for the ISO to determine that Bids that a Market Party submitted are consistent with competitive behavior, or to determine that submitted costs are appropriate for inclusion in the ISO’s development of reference levels.
A default bid shall be designed to cause a Market Party to Bid as if it faced workable competition during a period when (i) the Market Party does not face workable competition, and (b) has responded to such condition by engaging in the physical or economic withholding of an Electric Facility.
The ISO shall keep records documenting its efforts to contact and consult with the Market Party.