Master Teacher definition
Examples of Master Teacher in a sentence
A Mentor Teacher shall be defined as a Master Teacher as identified in section 1526 of the School Code and shall perform the duties of a Master Teacher as specified in the code.
A Mentor Teacher shall be defined as a Master Teacher as identified in Section 1526 of the School Code and shall perform the duties of a Master Teacher as specified in the code.
Master Teachers with full-time teaching duties shall not be expected to perform the full range of Master Teacher duties, as determined by the principal.
The CH-UH Master Teacher Program was developed and implemented in collaborative partnership between the Board and the Union and shall comply with all pertinent statutory provisions, licensure regulations, and requirements as set forth by the Ohio Educator Standards Board.
A Mentor Teacher shall be defined as a Master Teacher as identified in Section 1526 of the School Code and shall perform the duties of a Master Teacher as specified in the Code.