Material Environmental Harm definition
Examples of Material Environmental Harm in a sentence
It appears the review of ASBG’s submission did not understand that Material Environmental Harm was not recommended for changed, but a new section to be included called ‘Serious Environmental Incident’ which was to be based on a list of hazardous chemicals of concern.• The Amendments are unlikely to increase the number of incident notifications.
SUMMARY The objective of this paper is to provide a synthesis of relevant information related to trade and environment in the Arab region.
Material Environmental Harm is defined as an event in which remediation costs greater than $5,000; and Serious Environmental Harm is defined as an event in which remediation costs greater than $10,000.
Santos is required to report all pollution incidents to the relevant authorities immediately the incident is identified and determined to meet the threshold of Material Environmental Harm.
In this Act, Subdivision 16 Material Environmental Harm, Subsection (1) (c) defines material environmental harm is environmental harm ‘that results in costs of more than the threshold amount’, and Subsection (2) explains that the ‘maximum amount means the threshold amount for serious environmental harm’.