Materials handling equipment definition

Materials handling equipment means any equipment used as a part of a process operation or combination of process operations which does not effect a physical or chemical change in the material or in an article, such as, but not limited to, conveyors, elevators, feeders or weighers.
Materials handling equipment means equipment used to transport, lift, move or position materials, personnel, goods or things and includes cranes and mobile equipment but does not include an elevator or manlift.
Materials handling equipment means any stationary or mobile equipment used to transport, lift, move or position materials, goods or things, and includes lifting equipment, lifting tackle, conveyor belts, forklifts and other mobile equipment;

Examples of Materials handling equipment in a sentence

  • Materials handling equipment shall be purchased for replacement purposes in accordance with the standards in FPMR 41 CFR 101-25.405 and DOE-PMR 41 CFR 109-25.4. The Heads of Contracting Activities are authorized to replace an item earlier than the date specified in such standards under unusual circumstances.

  • Materials handling equipment used to transport test samples is taxable.

  • Materials handling equipment that moves the product through a continuous manufacturing operation; equipment that temporarily stores the product during the manufacturing operation; or, excluding motor vehicles licensed to operate on public highways, equipment used in intraplant or interplant transfers of work in process where the plant or plants between which transfers occur are manufacturing facilities operated by the same person.

  • Materials handling equipment includes conveyors, forklift trucks, front-end loaders and storage containers (bins, boxes or heavy wire cages).

  • Materials handling equipment - all vehicles including trailers are not equipped with front and rear warning lights that are visible from a distance of not less than 100 metres and such other lighting that ensures the safe operation of the equipment under all conditions of use.

  • Materials handling equipment includes everything from railcar dumpers to ship unloading and loading equipment, stockyard equipment (stackers and reclaimers), feeders, and conveyors.

  • The medical institutions that participate in this program are limited with a monthly financial quota.

  • Article 17 Where the receiving party contravenes the guarantees it has made in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of these Regulations, or where a danger of nuclear proliferation or of a nuclear terroristic act appears, the Ministry of Commerce shall suspend or revoke the export license already issued and notify the departments concerned in writing.

  • Materials handling equipment .....................................................................................A-1Figure C-1.

  • You must return the permit to the National Park Service no later than October 15 of the year the permit was issued.

More Definitions of Materials handling equipment

Materials handling equipment means any powerdriven equipment for handling materials, and includes forklift, conveyor, stacker, excavator, tractor, dumper or bulldozer but does not include hoisting machine;
Materials handling equipment means any equipment used as a part of a
Materials handling equipment means equipment used to transport, life, move or position materials, goods or things and includes mobile equipment but does not include an elevating device;
Materials handling equipment means equipment used to transport, lift, move or position materials, goods or things and includes mobile equipment but does not include an elevating device; (appareil de manutention des matériaux)
Materials handling equipment means equipment, including its supporting structures, auxiliary equipment and rigging devices, used to transport, lift, move or position persons, materials, goods or things and includes mobile equipment used to lift, hoist or position persons, but does not include an elevating device that is permanently installed in a building;

Related to Materials handling equipment

  • Mercury-containing equipment means a device or part of a device (including thermostats, but excluding batteries and lamps) that contains elemental mercury integral to its function.

  • Fuel burning equipment means any furnace, boiler, apparatus, stack and all associated equipment, used in the process of burning fuel.

  • Mobility enhancing equipment means equipment, other than durable medical equipment or a motor vehicle or equipment on a motor vehicle normally provided by a motor vehicle manufacturer, dispensed pursuant to a prescription, including repair or replacement parts for that equipment, that is all of the following:

  • School equipment means a durable school-owned machine, equipment, or tool used by a student as part of an activity, course, or program in a secondary school and includes a saw or 3D printer. “School equipment” includes a saw or 3D printer.

  • Transportation equipment means 1 or more of the following:

  • Data Processing Equipment means any equipment, computer hardware, or computer software (and the lease or licensing agreements related thereto) other than Personal Computers, owned or leased by the Failed Bank at Bank Closing, which is, was, or could have been used by the Failed Bank in connection with data processing activities.

  • Fabrication means making up data or results and recording or reporting them.

  • Service Equipment means any equipment, Software, systems, cabling and facilities provided by or on behalf of Verizon and used to facilitate provision of the Services at a Customer Site. Ownership of the Service Equipment does not pass to Customer. Service Equipment does not include Verizon Facilities.

  • Transportation project means any project that the department is authorized by law to undertake including but not limited to a highway, tollway, bridge, mass transit, intelligent transportation system, traffic management, traveler information services, or any other project for transportation purposes.

  • Metering Equipment means all metering equipment installed at the metering points designated in the appropriate appendix to an Interconnection Service Agreement. Minimum State of Charge:

  • New equipment means equipment for which, by the cut-off date, neither of the following events has occurred:

  • Farm equipment means equipment used directly for farming

  • Standard equipment means the basic configuration of a vehicle which is equipped with all the features that are required under the regulatory acts of the Contracting Party including all features that are fitted without giving rise to any further specifications on configuration or equipment level.

  • Capital Equipment means machinery and equipment purchased or leased, and used in this state by the purchaser or lessee primarily for manufacturing, fabricating, mining, or refining tangible personal property to be sold ultimately at retail if the machinery and equipment are essential to the integrated production process of manufacturing, fabricating, mining, or refining. Capital equipment also includes machinery and equipment used primarily to electronically transmit results retrieved by a customer of an online computerized data retrieval system.

  • Consumables means where the context permits, Digital Print Consumables, Inkjet Printing System Consumables and Prepress Consumables.

  • Remanufacturing means the activity of overhauling, retrofitting, fabricating, or repairing a product or its component parts for ultimate sale at retail.

  • Equipment is all “equipment” as defined in the Code with such additions to such term as may hereafter be made, and includes without limitation all machinery, fixtures, goods, vehicles (including motor vehicles and trailers), and any interest in any of the foregoing.

  • Associated equipment means equipment that is used in conjunction with a radiographic exposure device to make radiographic exposures that drives, guides, or comes in contact with the source, e.g., guide tube, control tube, control (drive) cable, removable source stop, “J” tube and collimator when it is used as an exposure head.

  • Existing Equipment means equipment, machines, devices or installations that are in operation prior to September 23, 1970.