Examples of Maximum LTV in a sentence
Balloon Term• Eligible on Primary and Second Homes Purchase and Rate/Term Refinance transactions.• Maximum LTV 95%.• The minimum balloon term is five years.c .
No Mortgage Loan has an LTV (“loan-to-value” ratio) or CLTV (“combined loan-to-value” ratio) in excess of the applicable Maximum LTV.
Maximum LTV RatioFor Mortgage Loans originated on or after 12 May 2008 the maximum LTV Ratio (excluding capitalised fees) permitted for prospective Borrowers applying for Mortgage Loans secured by Mortgaged Properties valued up to £500,000 was 85% of the lower of the purchase price or valuation of the Mortgaged Property determined by the relevant valuation (which, in the case of a Further Advance, is the valuation obtained at the time of the Further Advance, as described below).
For more information on the valuation process and criteria used for a Further Advance, including the use of desktop valuations, see section headed "– Characteristics of the Mortgage Loans – Maximum LTV Ratio".
Bridging finance LTVs ** LTV is based on the lower of purchase price or current market value including rolled up interest and any fees added to the advance.Additional restrictions apply to short leasehold exceptions noted in general lending principles above.*** Maximum LTV 65% where purchase price plus total costs exceeds 80% of valuation after refurbishment.**** Maximum LTV 65% where 6+ units and/or average unit value greater than £750K.