Examples of Measure 1 in a sentence
Measure 1: Data quality and data completeness in HMIS shall be at or above 95%.
Measure 1: Each year, the Charter Schools will operate in a fiscally sound manner as measured by an external audit that is submitted on time to the Department.
Measure 1: According to data reported by the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement Report Card, in each year of the charter, the percentage of students absent 6 days or more shall not exceed 10% and shall improve by at least 2 percentage points annually until the percentage of students absent 6 days or more is below 5%.
Measure 1 – The ALICE ThresholdAccording to the 2012 Census, the federal poverty rate in Florida is 15 percent, or 1,105,162 of the state’s 7.2 million households.
Outcome Measure #1: The Number of Program Completers In the chart below, please indicate the number and percentage of program completers for the three most recent academic years.