Measure 1 definition

Measure 1The Charter School’s CCRPI score shall be equal to or better than both the State and local district in 2015-16, and better than both the State and local district in 2016-17 and all remaining years of their charter contract.
Measure 1. One hundred percent (100%) of staff will receive orientation on policies and procedures annually.
Measure 1. The percent of children under 21 years of age with a positive identification through an ODJFS administrative review of data for the ODJFS-mandated case management condition of asthma that are case managed.

Examples of Measure 1 in a sentence

  • Measure 1: Data quality and data completeness in HMIS shall be at or above 95%.

  • Measure 1: Each year, the Charter Schools will operate in a fiscally sound manner as measured by an external audit that is submitted on time to the Department.

  • Measure 1: According to data reported by the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement Report Card, in each year of the charter, the percentage of students absent 6 days or more shall not exceed 10% and shall improve by at least 2 percentage points annually until the percentage of students absent 6 days or more is below 5%.

  • Measure 1 – The ALICE ThresholdAccording to the 2012 Census, the federal poverty rate in Florida is 15 percent, or 1,105,162 of the state’s 7.2 million households.

  • Outcome Measure #1: The Number of Program Completers In the chart below, please indicate the number and percentage of program completers for the three most recent academic years.

More Definitions of Measure 1

Measure 1. All Governing Board members shall participate in training at least annually.
Measure 1For clients with life skills training as an identified goal, at least 100% participated in and/or completed life skills training.
Measure 1. With a baseline of 50% in Year 1, the percent of gifted certified teachers will increase by 10% annually.
Measure 1Each year, every faculty member will set and achieve individual professional goals.
Measure 1. The Charter School will measure at least 3.0 in overall program satisfaction on a 4 point scale as measured by the Annual Parent Satisfaction Survey conducted by an independent market research firm, whose results will be reported to the Governing Board and all stakeholders annually.
Measure 1. All Governing Board members shall participate in a yearly training workshop.
Measure 1. All Governing Board members shall participate in five (5) hours of annual training, with two (2) additional hours of training for newly-approved governing board members during the first year after their approval. The training must include certain topics and be conducted by The Technical College System of Georgia’s (TCSG) Office of College and Career Transitions (OCCT) and/or a State Board of Education (SBOE) approved provider. In addition, charter school governing boards must adopt a Code of Ethics and a Conflict of Interest Policy.