Menu Items definition
Examples of Menu Items in a sentence
The Internet browser navigation buttons remain operative and the Menu Items (File, Edit, View, etc.) that appear at the top of the screen are a combination of both the Internet and Excel Menu Items.
You must offer for sale from the Restaurant all items and only those items listed as Menu Items and other approved food and beverage products.
You must use in the operation of the Restaurant and in the preparation of Menu Items and other food and beverage products only the proprietary sauces and mixes and other proprietary and non-proprietary ingredients, recipes, formulas, cooking techniques and processes and supplies, and must prepare and serve Menu Items and products in such portions, sizes, appearance, taste and packaging, all as we specify in our most current product preparation materials or otherwise in writing.
Your business must be confined to the preparation and sale of only such Menu Items and other food and beverage products as we designate and approve in writing from time to time for sale by your Restaurant.
You must use your best efforts to promote and increase the sales and service of Menu Items and to effect the widest and best possible distribution throughout the Designated Area.