Minimum Acceptance Criteria definition
Examples of Minimum Acceptance Criteria in a sentence
The Garage Plan shall incorporate all elements for such plan listed in the Department of Environmental Services Minimum Acceptance Criteria for Garage Plans dated February 15, 2016 or subsequent version.
The Parking Management Plan shall follow the Guidelines and Minimum Acceptance Criteria for the Preparation and Submission of Parking Management Plans dated February 15, 2016 or subsequent version.
The warranties set forth in this Article 12 (collectively, the “Warranty” or “Warranties”) are in addition to any of the Minimum Acceptance Criteria or the Performance Guarantee set forth in this Agreement.
The Developer agrees to submit a complete set, as determined by the Department of Environmental Services, of a Civil Engineering Plan for each applicable phase of the project consistent with the approved Phasing Plan for the development, pursuant to Condition #5 above, based on the Minimum Acceptance Criteria and Guidelines dated February 16, 2018 or subsequent amended acceptance criteria document, prior to the issuance of the Land Disturbance Permit for that phase.
Contractor shall, as part of the Work, perform all design and engineering Work in accordance with this Agreement and cause the Work to meet and achieve the requirements of this Agreement, including achieving the Minimum Acceptance Criteria and Performance Guarantee.