Mining waste definition

Mining waste means all solid, semisolid, and liquid waste materials from the extraction, beneficiation, and processing of ores and minerals. Mining waste includes, but is not limited to, soil, waste rock, and overburden, as defined in Section 2732 of the Public Resources Code, and tailings, slag, and other processed waste materials, including cementitious materials that are managed at the cement manufacturing facility where the materials were generated.
Mining waste means the residual of soil, rock, mineral, liquid, vegetation, equipment, machines, tools, or other materials or property directly resulting from, or displaced by, surface mining operations.
Mining waste means tailings, waste rock, mine over- burden, waste treatment sludges, or other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi−solid, or contained gaseous material, resulting from mining or from the cleaning or preparation of fer- rous minerals during mining operations, except that “mining waste” does not include topsoil and mine overburden intended to be returned to the mining site or used in the reclamation process and that is placed on the mining site for those purposes, as pro- vided for in the approved mining plan, and does not include mer- chantable by−products.

Examples of Mining waste in a sentence

  • Mining waste arises from prospecting, extraction, treatment and storage of minerals.

  • Mining waste pollution control management program : final report.

  • Subtitle D of RCRA regulates: ▪ Municipal solid waste;▪ Household hazardous waste;▪ Municipal sludge;▪ Nonhazardous industrial wastes;▪ Municipal combustion ash;▪ Small quantity generator’s hazardous waste;▪ Construction and demolition debris;▪ Agriculture waste;▪ Oil and gas waste; and▪ Mining waste.

  • Requirements for discharge 23§ 13263.1. Mining waste 23§ 13263.2. Groundwater treatment facilities 23§ 13263.3. Legislative findings; definitions 24§ 13263.5. Requirements for injection wells 26§ 13263.6. Effluent limitations 26§ 13264.

  • Mining waste operations, with or without a mining waste facility are regulated by the Environment Agency by means of a permit subject to the Environmental Permitting Regulations.

More Definitions of Mining waste

Mining waste means wastes directly resulting from or displaced by prospecting or mining and from the cleaning, prepa- ration, separation or purification of minerals or metals during prospecting, mining, concentrating, refining or smelting opera- tions and includes but is not limited to concentrator tailings, refin- ery and smelter residue, refining and smelting process emissions, mining overburden and waste treatment sludges, materials in pro- cess and salvageable by−products.
Mining waste means waste rock, spoil, overburden and interburden.
Mining waste means tailings, waste rock, mine overburden, waste
Mining waste means all solid, semisolid, and liquid waste materials from the extraction, beneficiation, and processing of ores and minerals. Mining waste includes, but is not limited to, soil, waste rock, and
Mining waste means residues which result from the extraction of raw materials from the earth and which are dumped on land owned by the mining operation that extracted them.
Mining waste means any refuse, sludge, or other dis- carded material, including solid, liquid, semi−solid or contained gaseous material, resulting from metallic mineral prospecting or mining, or from the cleaning or preparation of minerals during prospecting or mining operations. Typical mining wastes include, but are not limited to, tailings, waste rock, mine overburden, and waste treatment sludges. Mining waste does not include topsoil and mine overburden not disposed of in a waste site, but placed in a facility permitted under ch. NR 131 or 132, to be returned to the mine site or used in the reclamation process, and does not include merchantable by−products.
Mining waste means all solid, semisolid, and liquid waste materials from the