Ministry of Commerce definition

Ministry of Commerce means the Recipient’s Ministry of Commerce.
Ministry of Commerce has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
Ministry of Commerce. The Ministry of Commerce of the PRC

Examples of Ministry of Commerce in a sentence

  • The Contractor [Class I Local Supplier/ Class II Local Supplier/ Non Local Supplier] undertakes to ensure minimum Local Content in the Project Highway of at least [50% / 20%] duly complying with the provisions of Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India Order No. P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE- II) dated September 16, 2020, as amended or modified till Bid Due Date and the provisions under Rule 144(xi) of GFR, 2017.

More Definitions of Ministry of Commerce

Ministry of Commerce means Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China.
Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (official reply) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SZP [2004] #2021 Official reply from the Ministry of Commerce regarding approval for the ----------------------------------------------------------------------- formation of the Xinhua Publications Circulation & Distribution Co. Ltd ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Beijing City Bureau of Commerce The document: <> (JSZ [2004] #778) and other relevant information have been received. After examination and verification of same, here is our reply:
Ministry of Commerce means the Borrower’s ministry responsible for commerce, or any successor thereto.
Ministry of Commerce means the Ministry of Commerce of the Union Government; (z-1) Ministry means the Ministry of Electricity and Energy of the Union Government; (z-2) Minister means the minister for the Ministry of Electricity and Energy of the Union Government; (z-3) Committee means the supervisory committee on the petroleum and petroleum product business activities.Chapter II Objective
Ministry of Commerce means the Ministry of Commerce of the Government.
Ministry of Commerce or “MOC” means the Ministry of Commerce of the PRC or, as the context may require, the relevant local commerce administration authority duly authorised by it;

Related to Ministry of Commerce

  • Ministry of Finance means the Recipient’s Ministry of Finance, or any successor thereto.

  • Ministry means the Ontario Ministry of the Environment;

  • Councillor means a member of a municipal council;

  • e-commerce means buying or selling of goods or services including digital products over digital or electronic network;

  • Provincial Council means a council established for a non-metropolitan province in terms of section 269 of the Constitution;

  • Council means the Council of the Municipality;

  • Chief Commissioner means the chief administrative officer of the County, or delegate;

  • Nodal Ministry means the Ministry or Department identified pursuant to this order in respect of a particular item of goods or services or works.

  • District superintendent means the superintendent of a district or the chief administrator of a public school academy.

  • Deputy Commissioner means the Deputy Commissioner of the district;

  • Tourism means economic activity resulting from tourists, which may include sales of overnight lodging, meals, tours, gifts, or souvenirs.

  • PRC means the People’s Republic of China, but solely for the purposes of this Agreement, excluding Hong Kong, the Macau Special Administrative Region and the islands of Taiwan.

  • SUVA means Specific Ultraviolet Absorption at 254 nanometers (nm), an indicator of the humic content of a water. It is calculated by dividing a sample’s ultraviolet absorption at a wavelength of 254 nm (UV254) (in m-1) by its concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (in mg/L).

  • local council means a local council established under the Local Government Act, 2004;

  • Council Directive means Council Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989 on the co-ordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities as amended by Directive 97/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 June 1997 and by Directive 2007/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2007. A simplified and codified version of these Directives was introduced in 2010: the Audiovisual Media Services Directive 2010/13/EU.

  • Labour Commissioner means the individual appointed as Labour Commissioner in terms of in section 120;

  • Minister means the Minister in the Government of the State for the time being responsible for the administration of the Act to ratify this Agreement and pending the passing of that Act means the Minister for the time being designated in a notice from the State to the Company and includes the successors in office of the Minister;

  • European Union means the member nations of the European Union established by the Treaty of European Union, signed at Maastricht on February 2, 1992, which amended the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Community.

  • Secretariat means the office constituted as per Sub-Clause (1) of Clause 6 of the Scheme.

  • International Bureau means the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization;

  • Integrity Commissioner means the Integrity Commissioner appointed by Council pursuant to Section 223.3 of the Municipal Act, 2001;